The Canadian Motion Picture Exhibitor (Nov 1, 1941)

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9 Z Page 8 The Exhibitor Buy Novernber «Ist, 194] WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES regularly! IS BEING TAUGHT TO DEM AND VISION higher toch of LIGHTING Put your theatre in line with this growing demand for BETTER THEATRE LIGHTING Install HIGH INTENSITY PROJECTION with NATIONAL Projector Carbons TRADE*MARK The New “ONE KILOWATT” Arcs bring High Intensity projection within the budget of the smallest theatre. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO. LIMITED CARBON SALES DIVISION Halifax, Montreal, TORONTO, Winnipeg, Vancouver New Shorts from Associated Strange, little-known and almost unbelievable facts are to be found in almost every part of Canada, as proven in the new Canadian Cameo “Did You Know That?” produced by Associated Screen Studios of Montreal. The sixth edition of the ‘Did You Know That?” short has been released to Canadian theatres. Are you interested in the odd quirks performed by nature? In Canada’s Rocky Mountains is an open-air swimming pool that is used all winter. High up in the ice-clad mountains, with the thermometer far below zero ardent swimmers doff their fur coats to dive in for a warm swim—in hot water supplied by nature. In this Christian nation you could, if you wished, attend Mo hammedan service in the worship of Allah. In Edmonton, Alberta, there is a mosque erected to the greater glory of Mohammed. Here is a curious transplanting of a bit of the far east to Canada’s west. There is a place where ships are repaired on the bottom of the ocean; a grave-stone marks the burial place of an obscure woman who claimed to be a _ princess of the British Royal Family; a runaway steel barge nearly crashed over Niagara Falls—but is still | ceae in the rapids; these and other odd and unusual items make up the “Did You Know That?” short subject, sixth edition as reported from all parts of Canada by Associated Screen News. * * * Seven-year-old David MacDougall made his first appearance before motion picture cameras last week. Just at that time, word was received that his father, Lieutenant Jack MacDougall, has been placed in charge of the Canadian Army -Film Unit overseas. Previously a motion picture director with Associated Screen Studios of Montreal, he left for overseas last year. His new appointment will provide newsreel and propaganda film coverage of Canadian army units on active service. Young David MacDougall, father’s footsteps, is playing a bit in “Those Other Days,” a musical short reviving popular songs of the last war. This short is nearing completion at Associated Screen Studios, and features songs made famous by the ‘“Dumbells’” concert party formed by men out of the trenches of Flanders who later made themselves the toast of more than one continent. ‘‘Red’”’ (Ain’t it a lovely war) Newman and Ross (Marjorie) Hamilton go through scenes familiar to the stage, but scenes which have never before been enacted before movie cameras. “Those Other Days’ is being produced for the National Film Board. following in his. i { tli Ea am Ni hag EE IE: Ss ppee ls penae beagle Pa Meet atin old Sat » | z| Nae SL a Sean aN TTT SON ER ENR |e ie UMD