Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Jun 1921-Apr 1922)

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First Goldwyn Italian Fall Release “Theodora” Bigger Than ‘‘Cabiria” HE: Ambrosio production of “‘Theodora,’’ a film version of the Victorien Sardou drama in which Bernhardt won great renown, will be the first of Goldwyn’s Italian photoplays to be released in the fall, it is stated. The spectacle probably will receive a New York pre-release showing in a legitimate theatre at the regular theatrical scale of prices, as in the case of ‘‘The Old Nest.’’ In keeping with Goldwyn’s policy to give the exhibitors who have rented and shown Goldwyn productions a chance to make first money on ‘“Theodora,’’ the film will not be ““roadshowed,’’ according to present plans. ‘““Theodora’’ was two years in the making and a total of 30,000 persons spectacular’ were employed in picturizing the famous story. The sets were prepared by the Vatican architect and it required six months just to build them. Rita Jolivet, the actress who was brought to this country from France, to ple~ the lead with Otis Skinner iu *‘Kismet,’’ acts the wonderful role of Theodora. This spectacle, made by the men who produced ‘‘Cabiria,’’ is declared by Goldwyn to be a bigger and more spectacular production than that famous photoplay, which is now being revived as a big theatre attraction. Its story is based on the attempt of Empress Theodora of Byzantium (Constantinople) to revive the old paganism which the Emperor Constantine had suppressed in favor of Christianity. Harry Carey’s First Universal Fall Release to be “The Fox” forthcoming Universal-Jewel production, will bring scenery to the screen which never before has been recorded by a camera. It is now being produced under the direction of Robert Thornby at Ficardo, a sign board on the Mojave desert. Leaving Mojave, the straggling little cluster of sun-blistered shacks on the fringe of the desert, the road to the Universal camp leads straight out into the smouldering sands to Cathedral rocks, the most remarkable geological formation in America, For miles the rocks along the mountain slope look exactly like a magnificent group of castles, cathedrals and palaces. The rocks are absolutely suggestive of imposing architecture and are burnished to a blaze by the sun. Farther on one encounters far flung amphitheatres of rock, niches Tt FOX,’’ Harry Carey’s PARAMOUNT CLUB FORMED T the meeting held recently A at the home office of the Fa mous Players-Lasky Corporation, the organization of the Paramount Club was effected. More than one hundred employees and executives of the company were present and the following officers were elected: Subscribe to the Digest Page Hight hewn in the earth’s surface by prehistoric convulsions of nature, grotesque buttes of white-hot stone and over all the drifting, sizzling sand. Harry Carey made a sacrifice to art when he selected the Red Rock district as the background for his story. To accomplish it he took a company of seventy-five and two troops of regular United States cavalry to the desert and settled down for three blistering weeks. “‘The Fox’’ is a story that Harry Carey wrote himself as his idea of a great human narrative. Universal bought it and assigned Robert Thornby to direct it from Lucien Hubbard’s continuity. Betty Ross Clarke plays the leading feminine role. The opening scenes were made at Universal City and the whirlwind finish is being filmed now on the desert. President, Eugene Zukor; vicepresident, Oscar Morgan; secretary, Belle Goldstein; treasurer, E. A. Brown; board of governors, H. C. Wiley, G. E. Akers, R. W. Saunders, G. B. J. Frawley, Paul J. Morgan. The next move will be the adoption by officers and board of governors of a definite plan of operation. The purpose of the club is purely social, with special attention given to athletics and amateur theatricals. All members of the home office staff including both executives and employees, are eligible to membership. »y Google ABOLISH CENSORS HE Ohio Board of Motion Pic| ture Censors has been abolished and its powers and duties have been transferred to the Department of Education. This information has just been conveyed to the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry in a letter received from the newly created Division of Film Censorship in the Ohio Department of Education. The abolition of the old Ohio Board of Motion Picture Censors was brought about by the Reorganization Bill which has just gone into effect in Ohio and has made many changes in the executive departments of the state government. In transferring the powers and duties of the Ohio censors to the Department of Education, a Division of Film Censorship was formed for handling all matters in connection with the licensing of pictures. Under the new arrangement in Ohio there will be a Chief of the Division of Film Censorship and two assistants to the Chief. LITTLE ITALY EALART’S latest Alice Brady R picture, ‘‘Little Italy’’ was the attraction at the Rivoli Theatre recently. Dr. Hugo Reisenfeld, in booking this picture, pronounced it as an exceptional production and the best in which Miss Brady has ever appeared. ‘Little Italy’’ was written by Frederic and Fanny Hatton and concerns the thrilling experiences of Rosa, the belle of an Italian colony in America. A particularly strong cast supports Miss Brady, being composed of Norman Kerry, Jack Ridgway, George Fawcett, Louis Alberni and Marguerite Forrest. George Terwillinger directed. Released through Regal. ““A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court’’ ‘“‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,’’ is a picturization of Mark Twain’s famous satire produced so successfully by William Fox. The ‘‘Yankee’’ has been the laughing hit of Broadway for several months and its clean humor and thrilling situations have won for it the approval of both public and critics.