Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Jun 1921-Apr 1922)

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JESSE L. LASKY PRESENTS Cecil B, DeMille’s PRODUCTION "The Affairs of Anatol’ By Jeanie Macpherson Suggested by Arthur Sclinitzler's pla and the paraphrase thereof by Granville darker With an all star cast inclu Wallace Reid * Elliott Dexter * Monte Blue * Theodore Roberts * Theodore Kosloff * Raymond Hatton * x Gloria Swanson x Bebe Daniels * Wanda Hawley * Agnes Ayres * Polly Moran * Julia Faye HINK of “Male and Female’, of “Why Change Your Wife?, of “Forbidden Fruit.” Then try to imagine a story greater than all these— stronger, more unusual, more thrilling. Imagine scores of settings, each one of them more elaborate, more daring, more luxurious than anything you have ever seen on the screen. Now imagine twelve of the best known stars in the world, working under the magic direction of DeMille. If you can imagine one superlative picture with all this—and more—you will have a slight idea of “The Affairs of Anatol.” People have been talking about it a year in advance. They'll be talking about it for ten years after. CL CParamount oogle 9 a JS mo. a ; ee was, NL,