Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Jun 1921-Apr 1922)

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ed in the largest volume of business for Fox productions since the jntroduction of Fox Pic tures in Canada. : e e e Fra week of Sept. 17th. turn Mr. Devaney of the Fox Film has returned from Windsor and St. Thomas, Ont. having placed 100% Fox Serviee with Ed. Glasseo of the Empire, Windsor and Messrs. Minchall. & Boyd of the Star, St. Thomas. Mr. Devaney also placed 100% Fox Service with Mr. Sullivan of the King George, St. Catharines, Mr. P. Greenless Princess, Woodstock. F. C. Astels Bijou, Cobalt and John Blanchet, Royal, North Bay. (on Mr. J. A. Gagnier of Fox Montreal Branch has closed all Fox Service for all of George Nichols Montreal houses including, Strand, Moulin Rouge, Papineau, Regent, Belmont and the new theatre the Plaza when this theatre opens. eee W. S. Jones of Fox Winnipeg Branch. has placed All Fox Service with Allen Theatres, Regina. e* 8 ® R. W. F. BARRETT, GenerM al Manager of Fox Films, has with his recent visits to Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver and Montreal now covered every Fox Branch in Canada. Mr. Barrett reports that no changes have been mude in the various Branch ‘personale, several names have, however, been added to the sales force. Mr. Thos. Davey becomes associated with sales departments at Calgary and Vancouver. Mr. J. Huber becomes attached to sales department Winnipeg, Mr. Gordon Harvey to Toronto Mr. Lague, Montreal. An increased allotment of prints will be made to each Canadian Branch office of Fox Films, plans to enlarge the Vancouver office are already under way. eo e@ @ ISS Hettie Gray Baker. productions Editor of Fox Films visited Toronto, week of Sept. 25th. Miss Baker’s stop at Toronto is part of a schedule outlined for her in connection with her work, _which will entail a visit to every province in Canada where Fox Films are being distributed. Miss Baker’s work will bring her in contact with the various censor-boards operating in Canada and the United States for Page Two Go Toronto News the purpose of better ascertaining just exactly what the Censor Boards are expecting in the way of pictures. Since Miss Baker edits all Fox productions, previous to their release, a personal talk with the various Censor Boards cannot but prove advantageous to both the (Censor Board and the Fox Films Corporation, for editing of pictures will naturally be made with the Censor angle in view. In addition to the business aspect it will have it moral effect, giving the Censor Board a clearer understanding of the persons engaged in the Motion Picture Industry. Judging by Miss Baker they must come to the conclusion that there are women of intelligence, education and breeding in the Motion Picture Industry and that their association with our business has not made them less than they were. Naturally this brings to our mind Mr. Laemmle’s invitation for the various censor boards to visit Universal City. It was a case of six for Universal but six for the Censorship Board also, not forgetting that everyone interested in the Moving Picture Industry indirectly benefited by this “Universal Close-Up.’’ Miss Baker’s visit will have an equally beneficial effect. ° e e R. VINCENT McCABE has M been appointed Divisional Superintendent for Canada for the Associated First National and Associated Producers’ productions. Mr. McCabe’s many Canadian friends will be happy to learn that he is still ‘‘one of us.’’ e e Lt “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’’ closes a four week’s engagement at Massey Music Hall. Reecipts held un remarkably well. R. HUNTER, whe was formerly associated with the Associated Producers as gencral manager for Canada, is to have charge of the distribution of Warren Pictures through the Regal Exchange. * * R. MAURICE DAVIS, for merly general manager of Equity Pictures will assume the post as Regal representative for Quebec and Maritime, specializing in the distribution of Warren and Realart productions. gle ble bill week of Sept. 26th. Constance Binney in ‘‘The Magic Cup’’ and Hope Hampton in ‘‘Love’s Penalty.’’ A great deal of the action in ‘‘The Magie Cup’’ takes place in a pawnshop and Constance Binney has every opportunity to display her versatility. ‘‘Love’s Penalty’’ created a reputation for itself in the various important American cities in which it played previous to its Toronto showing and the impression created here was likewise favorable. Th Strand opened with a dou T is rather interesting to note that Mrs. Mary Carr who plays the “‘mother’’ role in William Fox production ‘‘Over the Hill’’ is the mother of six really and truly children. Three girls and three boys. Four of Mrs. Carr’s children play with her in ‘‘Over The Hill.’’ No wonder ‘‘Ma Benton”’ registered so big in the part. As Mrs. Carr so naively and modestly explains, ‘‘It was just transferring my household duties to the sereen in ‘‘Over The Hill.’’ Regal are soon to release ‘‘Camille’?’ with Nazimova. Already a great deal of interest is being manifested in regard to this picture which has been heralded as superfine. e.6©@ e OEW’S Yonge St. Theatre pulled off a scoop when Alice Brady appeared in a picture, “The Land of Hope’’ for the week of Sept. 26th. It so happened that Alice Brady played the Royal Alexandra in ‘‘Forever After’’ a play which ran for about a year in New York. This enabled Mr. Bernstein, manager of Loew’s theatre to arrange for a personal appearance of Alice Brady at his theatre during the week. * * . William Fox's super-feature ‘‘Over the Hill’’ opened at Allens’ mond St. Theatre, Week of 26th. Tnercased prices. YMi aulvlle Sept. LSIE FERGUSON in ParaE mount picture ‘‘Footlights”’ played Regent week of Sept. 26th. Coming to the Regent for week of Oct. 2nd. is Cecil DeMille’s masterpiece, ‘‘The Affairs of Anatol’”” with Wallace Reid, Gloria Swanson, Elliott Dexter, Bebe Daniels, Monte Blue, Wanda Hawley, Theodore Roberts. Agnes Ayres, Polly Moran, Theodore Kosloff, Julia Faye, Raymond Hatton in the east. which naturally leaves us too speeehless for further comment.