Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Oct 2, 1954)

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ei scil OCTOBER 2, 1954 Showmanship Wins Odeon Promotions In connection with the climax to the Odeon showmanship drive, a number of promotions were announced. A district prize winner, Charles Mason of the Roxy Theatre, Brampton, was named to W. C. Tyer’s headoffice advertising department. Walter Askew, assistant to Frank Lawson, Danforth Theatre, Toronto, succeeded Mason at Brampton. Ron McGill, assistant manager of the Capitol Theatre, Hamilton, was appointed manager of the Palace at Galt. Tony Jock, assistant at the Capitol, Niagara Falls, was transferred to the Capitol, Hamilton, managed by Nicky Langston, showmanship champion. U.S. Equipment Co’s. To Join CMPIC Formal announcement will be made shortly at Montreal that arrangements have been completed for active membership in the Motion Picture Industry Council of Canada of the associated companies in this country of the Theatre Equipment Dealers Association of . the United States. The principal firms in the field are identified in the move, the companies being located at Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. A leader in the development is L. M. Bleackley, vice president and general manager, Perkins Electric Co. Limited, Montreal. Lorne Green Gets Top Role From Col. Greene, former chief newscaster for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, — will play the principal character role in Columbia’s “Tight Spot,” with Ginger Rogers, Edward G. Robinson and Brian Keith. Phil Karlson directs, with Lewis J. Rachmil producing. This will be Lorne Greene’s second major role in Hollywood. He appears in Warner Bros. “The Silver Chalice.” Greene, who made his Broadway debut recently in “The Prescott Proposals,” with Katharine Cornell, will be seen as the mobster, Costain, whom Robinson is seeking to deport through testimony to be obtained by Keith from Miss Rogers. “Tight Spot” is the screen version of the Broadway play, “Dead Pigeon.” Lorne Country Across Toronto and District Kathleen Ann Archibald, the “Miss Canada of 1953” and a former cashier at the Famous Players’ Paramount Theatre at Kelowna, B.C., has registered as a first-year student at the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, for a five-year course in order to become a veterinary surgeon. eo e eo Toronto police are on the search for burglars who demolished the large safe in the office of Manager George Davie at the Palace Theatre, Danforth Avenue, Toronto. Although they smashed in three sides of the safe, they could not get to the strong-box which contained $3,000. They broke a hole in the theatre roof and also in the ceiling of the projection room to gain access. e e e A Lions Club meeting at Brantford was turned into a “Moyie Night” under the direction of a club member, Ben Schachar of the College Theatre. The special speaker was Arch H. Jolley, executive secretary of the Motion Picture Theatres Association of Ontario, The guests included W. Blondell, Paramount; Bill Burke, Capitol; Joe Paul, Esquire; and Ed Burrows, Odeon. The sixty-two members present each received a double pass to a local theatre. e e ° Nominations for the 1955 Crew were received at the meeting of Toronto Variety Tent No. 28 when Chief W. A, Summerville presided, the session taking place Sept. 21 in the clubrooms. The elections will be conducted at the regular meeting, Tuesday night, October 26. e e e A whole page in the last issue of “What's New,” the attractive house organ of Famous Players Canadian Corp., was devoted to Russ M. McKibbin, the popular and capable manager of the big Imperial Theatre, Toronto. In addition to an outline of his lengthy career, the tribute reviewed his outstanding ability as a showman. e e e Bobby Breen, a Toronto contribution to Hollywood films and the tclevision screen, visited Hamilton Sept. 17-18 as a goodwill ambassador for the B'Nai B’Rith association headquarters in Washington, D.C., during a North American tour, He was the special speaker at a Hamilton meeting and also visited the patients in the Mountain Sanatorium. Maritimes The Kent Theatre, Saint John, N.B. (Odeon Garson Circuit) man aged by Mr. J. D. King, has been equipped for CinemaScope. The first film to be shown there was “The Robe.” e e e Mr. Jay L. Smith, Editor and Publisher of the Canadian Moving Picture Digest — he is also president of Alliance Films — spent several days in Saint John last week. Mr. Jack Labow, general manager of RKO Films and Mr. Mark Plottel, general sales manager of Empire-Universal Films, are also visitors from Upper Canada who were in Saint John. Vancouver Since Vancouver's Wednesday closing law has been dropped following a plebiscite in favor of a six day shopping week, with a five-day week for store employees, Downtown business establishments all report increased business, theatres included, but Tuesday night which was a show-going night for the shop-girls is off plenty, showmen reported. oO e e Bud Lynch, owner of the recently opened Fernie Drive-In near the coal town was in hospital for a major operation. @ e e A brother act will be in charge of the Vancouver Branch of International Film distributors with Lou Segal appointing his brother Joe as Booker-salesman. a e o Douglas Hadden, house manager of the FPC Swand, and his wife Beatrice are parents of a 7-pound baby boy, born at St. Pauls Hospital, first for the Hadden’s. an : ; ROT REM Sh = ie —— oo 7 (Continued from Page 1) tion luncheon, included the folle lowing: i Ralph Bartlett, Odeon, Sarnia Ken Woods, York Theatre, Hamil— ton; Leo Robineau, Odeon, Stur— geon Falls; Jim Chalmers, Odeon, — Ottawa; Paul Hanner, Christie, Toronto; Ken Davies, Odeon, Guelph: Robert Hubbard, Century, Oak— ville; Lorne Moore, Odeon, North — Bay; and Nick Langston, Capitol, — Hamilton. } On Sept. 21, the second day, Frank H. Fisher, general manager of J. Arthur Rank Film Distributors (Canada) Limited, gave an enthusing outline of product for the © company’s 10th Anniversary Year. WHITE CHRISTMAS (Continued from Page 1) tors Association, of which A. J. Mason is president, at Saint John N.B., October 5 and 6. The Famous Players’ regional conference is scheduled to be held October 4-5 at Saint John with President J. J. Fitzgibbons and other executives in attendance and they are expected to be present at the meeting of the Maritime Association. : JARO Fetes Author Wrote Doctor Films Dr. Richard Gordon, who wrote “Doctor in the House,” was in Toronto last week and spoke at the Royal York Hotel on September 22nd, addressing a Smith's Literary Luncheon. Prior to his arrival in Toronto, he appeared at Eaton's Book Department in Montreal. His busy Toronto schedule included a radio interview with June Dennis, and an appearance on the “Court of Opinion” radio show. He addressed the Women’s Press Club Luncheon on September 21st. Following his address at the W. H. Smith and Son luncheon, Dr. Gordon met the trade and lay press at a reception given by Frank Fisher, vice-president and general manager of JARO. On the last evening of his visit to Toronto, before journeying to New York, Dr. Gordon (Gordon Ostlere in real life) found time te see his film “Doctor in the House” at the Hyland Theatre. Because of its tremendous bexoffice success, the J. Arthur Rank Organization is now preparing De. Gordon's’ second book, “Doctor at Sea,” starring Dirk Bogarde Neen A a aaa aaa a aaa aa aa a THE CANADIAN MOVING PICTURE DIGEST, Entered as Second Class Matter. Jay L. Smith, Editor-in-Chief; Mox Chic, Associate Editor, Correspondents: Bruce Peacock, Re Sask. Jack Droy, Vancouver, B.C.; Will McLoughlin, Ottawa, Ont.; Bill Press, Toronto, Ont.; Helen Crowley, St, John, N.B. Address all mail to the Publisher, Canodien Fe an viene Digest Company, Limited, 21 Dundos Squore, Toronto. Telephone: EMpire 8-8696, Cable; Raydigest, Estoblished 1915, Publication weekly. Subscription: $5.00 yearly.