Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Oct 16, 1954)

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PAGE EIGHT —— & Alex Adilman Movie Pioneer Mourned By Film Industry Alex Adilman, Secretary Treasurer of Consolidated Theatres Ltd., died last Friday, October Ist, in the Ross Pavilion of the Montreal Royal Victoria Hospital. A native of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Mr. Adilman had been a resident of Montreal since 1918 and was associated with the theatre business for more than 30 years. He was Governor of the Jewish General Hospital, Governor of the Talmud Torah, Governor of the Y.M.H.A. and member of the Montefiore Club. Surviving are his wife, Rebecca, three brothers, Hiram, Norman and Samuel, all of Montreal, and two sisters, Mrs. F. Druxerman and Mrs, T. Presner. The funeral took place on Sunday at Paperman & Sons. The pallbearers were Mr. J. Arthur Hirsch, President and General Manager of Consolidated Theatres; Mr. William Elman, Executive, Consolidated Theatres Ltd.; Mr. H. Masters, General Manager of Warner Bros. Pictures in Canada; Louis Rosenfeld, President of Columbia Pictures in Canada; Lester Adilman, Dave Druxerman, Nathan Druxerman and Lawrence Druxerman, nephews of the deceased, Al Seltzer and Milton Goldstein. The services were conducted by Rabbi Wilfred Shuchat assisted by Cantor Gisser. Many Montreal and out-of-town motion picture executives and people from all walks of life were present to pay their last respects. The burial took place in the Shaar Zion Cemetery. S. Morgan-Powell, retired Literary and Dramatic Editor of the Montreal Star, whose career in Montreal spanned Mr. Adilman’s, paid the following tribute to an old friend, parts of which we quote: “The death of Alex Adilman, who was for thirty years secretarytreasurer of Consolidated Theatres, Ltd., removes a figure who kas played a vital part unobtrusively, but of considerable importance, in the development of the motion picture industry in Montreal and district. “His interests, however, were not confined to the film industry alone. He had a keen appreciation of the drama as an important factor in public entertainment. He was an inveterate first-nighter at Her Majesty’s Theatre and his shrewd comments on both plays and players were not only a source of additional entertainment to his friends, but also revealed considerable critical acumen because he was able to bring to bear upon the consideration of a performance not only the viewpoint of the average intelligent theatregoer, but also a penetrating faculty which went behind the footlights. “His many friends will deeply regret his passing, for he was a man who took his friendships seriously and his loyalty was unshakable. His generosity was widespread, not only in private life but in the theatrical world. His place will not be easy to fill.” eadne Deven patent DI€CEST_—_ NFB Shooting Film On Acadian History The National Film Board is shooting a‘film based on the historic struggle of residents of the Memramcook Valley against the sea, The film will not be in techni cal vein, according to Leonard Forest, assistant director of the production. It will be a ‘man against the sea” story in human and dramatic terms. The picture will show the customs and ways of life of the descendants of the Acadians, with a historic reflection on the maintenance of the dikes since the first were built 300 years ago. The Executive of the Saskatchew Saskatoon, Sask., President; J. sident; Secretary-Treasurer; J. D. McKenzie, Gunn, Winnipeg, Man. an Exhibitors Association—w. Winterton, Lundholm, Swift Current, Sask., 2nd Vice PreHis Worship, Mayor Hammond of Regina; |, Estevan, Reinhorn, Regina, Sask., Sask., Ist Vice-President and S. TORONTO MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY BASEBALL TROPHY LUNCHEON Presentation of cheque to Gus Ryder by James Sturgess, president, 1.A.T.S.E, Percy Cox, President, Motion Picture Softball League, presenting trophy to Russ Moffat (FPCC), most valuable player. Ken Wells (Theatre Confections Limited) .presenting Trophy to Jerry Stone of Warner Bros., top batter. Harry Imperial, International Film Dis tributors, receives winning trophy from R. J. Eves, FPCC Western Division mgr. OCTOBER 16, 1954 TV Discussed By J. J. Fitzgibbons The advent of television in Canada has not decreased attendance at motion pictures, according to J. J. Fitzgibbons, Toronto, president of Famous Players Canadian Corporation. “Within a few months of owning a television set, the novelty wears off and people want to get back among other people for their entertainment,” he said in a Regina interview. “While TV is an important medium, it cannot possibly produce the same dramatic impact cn a 20-inch screen 4s movies with CinemaScope or Vista Vision.” The atmosphere within a theatre has a better psychological effect on patrons wanting — entertainment than they could possibly obtain in their homes, he said. In the home there are’ too many distracticns. Briskin Resigns Murray Briskin, assistant to Arthur Gottlieb, president of Audio Pictures Ltd., and recently announced as General Sales Manager of that company, has announced his resignation from Audio, effective as of October 15. Mr. Briskin has been with Audio for about two and a half years. Mr. Exhibitor DON'T ORDER YOUR MERCHANT'S CHRISTMAS GREETING TRAILER FROM ANY ONE BUT FILM ART TRAILERS @ NEW TALKING GREETING HEADER @ NEW BACKGROUNDS @ NEW MUSIC Our "Inspiration" Merchant's Greeting Issue Will Be On Your Desk Soon! IT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT! Film Art Trailers 467 SPADINA AVE. WaAlnut 2-6575 TORONTO, ONTARIO