Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Nov 13, 1954)

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JAY L. SMITH EDITOR AND PUBLISHER VOL. 46, NO. 46 CANADIAN MOVING PICTURE Published by CANADIAN MOVING PICTURE DIGEST COMPANY LIMITED RAY LEWIS FOUNDER 1915-1954 TORONTO, NOVEMBER 13, 1954 MGM Stresses ‘Scope States Cass 20 Pictures For Fall And Winter Coming From MGM-—18 In Color Prompted by exhibitor demands and public acceptance of CinemaScope as an important contribution in the industry upbeat, MGM will concentrate a major share of its production schedule on the new presen By JAY L. SMITH One of the most valued friends of the Motion Picture Industry in the publishing field in Canada, is Mr. John Bassett, Jr., publisher of the Toronto Evening Telegram. Son of the eminent and highly respected publisher of the Montreal star, Mr. Bassett purchased the Tely from the estate of the late George C. McCullagh about two years ago. Since taking over, he has increased the circulation of the Tcly in Metropolitan Toronto alone from 143,000 to 184,000. An avid movie fan himself — he sees at least two or three movies a week — Mr. Bassett is well aware of the wide public appeal of the movies, and has been determined to utilize this appeal to full advantage, feeling that by giving the entertainment field wider coverage in the pages of the Tely, he is increasing its reader appeal to the public. Working through Bas Mason, promotion manager of the paper, Mr. Bassett has in the past year spOnsored some notable promotions in the Tely, in tie-ups with movies and theatres. In conjunction with Loblaws a few months ago, the Tely carried a terrific promotion tie-up with RKO Distributing Corp. on the Walt Disney rerelease of “Pinnochio.” A more recent promotion in conjunction with the Hadassah organization, Paramount Pictures and Shea’s Theatre, was the “Rear Window” photo contest. Another outstanding promotion carried by the Tely, or rather feature series, were the articles by former Chief Inspector Fabian of Scotland Yard, who was brought to Toronto by the Tely to investigate the disappearance of Marian McDowell. While there was no direct (Continued on Page 2) Ontario Exhibitors Ask For Tax Relief The joint Ontario Exhibitors Committee for Amusement Tax Relief, made up of representatives from the Motion Picture Theatres Association of Ontario and Allied (Continued on Page 4) tation medium during the forthcoming season according to a statement by Hillis Cass, General Sales Manager for the company in Canada. MGM in line with the top product scheduled will concentrate on a more intimate approach and attention to capitalize fully on the merchandising of its product with (Continued on Page 2) Fox’s Top Product For New Year Set In Canada’s Two Main Circuits Irving Berlin’s “There’s No Business Like Show Business” in CinemaScope will play the entire Famous Players Circuit in Canada of some 150 theatres commencing during the Christmas and New Year holi day weeks, Arthur Silverstone, assistant general sales manager of 20th Century-Fox, reported last week while visiting Toronto, The across-the-boards showcasing of the top-budgeted musical production will see the picture playing both important holiday (Continued on Page 2) Keep your ~<a \ola on HILLIS CASS (See Page 3) Masters Attends WB Sales Meet In N.Y. Ben Kalmenson, Warner Bros.’ vice-president in charge of distribution, called a two-day meeting on forthcoming company product last week at the Home Office. The meeting was attended by home of (Continued on Page 4) CINERAMA IN MONTREAL The Stanley Warner Cine9 rama Lid. have leased the |] imperial theatre, Montreal, and have since last Monday started the installation of their equipment. A target date of December 27th is being aimed this first showing in Canada of for Cinerama. Odeon Theatres (Can.) Report Staff Changes Mr. Wannie Tyers, Director of Advertising and Publicity since 1953, has returned to theatre operations and becomes Manager of the Odeon Hyland, Toronto, effective November 8th. Mr. Jim Hardiman, previously Assistant Director of Advertising and Publicity, has been appointed Director of the Department. Mr. Hardiman has been with Odeon (Continued on Page 4) Manitoba Exhibitors Hold Mass Rally Protesting Amusement ‘Tax One of the largest contingents of rural exhibitors ever to converge on the capital city of any province gathered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Monday, November I, representation at the legislative buildings to present the Honorable Ron Turner, Provincial Treasurer, with facts and figures to support the request for the elimination ot the amusement tax on all tickets 50 cents and under, As MMPEA vice-president Ben Sommers introduced every exhibitor at the hearing, Provincial Treasurer Turner (Continued on Page 3) to join Greater Winnipeg exhibitors in a mass VistaVision Debut In Imperial Toronto The Toronto public is having its first view of VistaVision in its debut at the Imperial Theatre with the presentation of “White Christmas,” the first of Paramount's super-releases in the Jatest techm (Continued on Page 3) "PETER MYERS, CANADIAN GENERAL SALES MANAGER FOR 20TH CENTURY-FOX ANNOUNCED THAT CECIL BLACK HAS JOINED THE COMPANY AND WILL WORK OUT OF THE CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE IN TORONTO