Canadian Moving Picture Digest (Nov 13, 1954)

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= ot Peo fan Sterling AA’s Ambassador Of Goodwill Makes P.A. In Toronto Jan Sterling, dynamic star of Allied Artists’ smashing expose of a corrupt Big City administration, “The Human Jungle,” made a ‘flying’ visit to Toronto last weekend and made several personal appearances at theatres in conjunction with the Canadian premiere of “The Human Jungle.” Arriving at Malton Airport Saturday, November 6th, via TransCanada Airlines, she proceeded to her suite in the Royal York Hotel. Following dinner she attended the Toronto-Chicago NHL hockey game at the Maple Leaf Gardens as guest of the Maple Leaf Hockey Club. On Sunday, Nov. 7th, Miss Sterling visited friends in Toronto in the afternoon and early evening and then joined her husband, Paul Douglas, star of the “Caine Mutiny Court Martial” stage production which opened at the Royal Alexandra Theatre on the same date as her film “The Human Jungle.” Mr. Douglas flew from Cleveland following a special Sunday matinee performance of “Caine” in that city. A special press-radio-television and magazine conference was arranged for Miss Sterling, Nov. 8th in the Royal York Hotel. Refreshments were served from 12 noon to 1 p.m., to give her an opportunity to meet the working-press very informally, following which a buffet luncheon was served. After luncheon, Miss Sterling was available for press-radio-television and magazine interviews. Following her press conference at the Royal York Hotel, Miss Sterling, accompanied by a motorcycle escort, made a whirlwind personal appearance tour of the Downtown, Glendale, State and Scarboro Theatres where “The Human Jungle’ was showing. Prior to her return to the Allied Artists’ vast studios in Hollywood, California, Wed. Nov. 10, Miss Sterling went through a series of radio guest appearances in Toronto and Hamilton, where her film opened at the Century Theatre on Thursday. First With Film TAX RELIEF (Continued from Page 1) Theatres Association, got busy on the ticket-impost situation in this province again with the holding of a conference Nov. 1 in Toronto. The latest discussions are reportedly preliminary to the convention Nov. 22 of the National Committee of Motion Picture Exhibitors’ Associations of Canada to which various provincial associations will submit representations on amusement-tax burdens, The special committee for Ontario is headed by co-chairmen who were named last May. They are Lionel Lester for the MPTAO and Ben Freedman of Long Branch for Allied Theatres. STAFF CHANGES (Continued from Page 1) since 1947 and in the Advertising Department since 1951. He was drive captain in the recent Odeon Big Show which was the most successful showmanship drive carried out by the circuit. Mr. Ron Leonard, formerly Manager at the Odeon Humber and Odeon Danforth has rejoined the company as a member of the Advertising and Publicity Department and together with Mr. Charles Mason will work at exploitation and showmanship. MASTERS (Continued from Page 1) fice sales executives district managers and Haskell Masters Canadian General Manager. Purpose of the meeting was the discussion of forthcoming Warner Bros. productions, including the distribution of “A Star Is Born,” other pictures already completed, and those properties scheduled for filming and release in 1955. News In Canada The Digest captioned a front page lead story on September 25 with “CANADIAN FILM ABOUT MARILYN BELL... OFFER MADE TO TORONTO’S IDOL BY TOP CANADIAN FILM GROUP.” In our Jast week’s issue, November 6, delivered in Toronto film offices on Thursday afternoon, The Digest’s front page lead story was captioned, “CANUCKS PRODUCING ‘MARILYN’ FILM . .. MERIDIAN PRODUCTIONS, NEW CO., NABS BELL FOR ONE-REELER FILM.” The Digest was the first with the news in Canada, the Canadian Press carrying the story on Friday night and the three Toronto daily papers in their Saturday editions. = NOVEMBER 13, 191 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! For the Annual Meeting and Luncheon of the MOTION PICTURE THEATRES ASSOCIATION of ONTARIO to be held THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1954 at the KING EDWARD HOTEL, TORONTO REGISTRATION 9.30 A.M. BUSINESS MEETING 10 A.M. LUNCHEON | P.M. ARTHUR L. MAYER, Guest Speaker Motion Picture Theatres Association of Ontario ARCH H. JOLLEY, Secretary 21 Dundas Square EM. 4-9630 Toronto, Ont. Be Sure to Visit the Movie Trade Show! WESTREX —— e) print. It can be used ee Ce = “PENTHOUSE” REPRODUCER Call it a ‘penthouse’, ‘sandwich’ or ‘button-on’ reproducer, the Westrex is the simplest and cheapest way to get stereophonic sound reproduction from a complete with any modern projector or soundhead. It is small and does not interfere with operation of projection equipment. Westrex is film-pulled and requires no special lubrication or maintenance. Write or ask for complete details. DOMINION SOUND EQUIPMENTS LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 4040 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal. BRANCHES AT: Halifax, Saint John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, North Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver. DS-54-2%