Canadian Film Weekly (Nov 18, 1942)

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“i | =e BETTY STOCKFIELD Made with the co-operation of the DONALD STEWART Royal Air Force and the Atlantic TARATV Tam <a ti) Ferry Service, which under the Ministry of Aircraft Production, Si D | EY KIN G pioneered the North Atlantic BASIL RADFORD air crossing to deliver cver AAPA a1) 10 increasing numbers of American aircraft in the cause of freedom” ae Fonal Ganadian Gouiientl Pronnicna L THEATRE-—Montreal—Friday Evening, NOY. 20th THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF THE R.A.F. FERRY COMMAND Onginal Story by BROCK WILLIAMS Sceneria and Dialogue By GORDON WELLESLEY, * eieond ORYHUAST aC “BROCK WILLIAMS GLP CURE Smt WY a