Canadian Film Weekly (Feb 28, 1945)

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a PRE . 1 LD il-color ads in National and Fan Magazines and Sunday Newspaper Comics — 27,116,619 CIRCULATION SPELL Wks ALS jnenent tT \ heheh-heh-h-h-l ; 65 14 3 aga, om Ora an f | AY CAMB RY DRARsae @k Yul 4d ali FULL PAGES jeh-h-h-h-heh Gey vue patery ri) LIFE, LIBERTY, PARENTS MAGAZINE, METROPOLITAN : SUNDAY COMIC Ade GROUP and the ise f, EOTIRE IST OP ees FAN MACATINES «s,s cca Also backed by national radio, record and sheet-music tieups including Dinah Shore and Bob Burns in their own radio shows and recorded numbers from picture by Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore. GOOD ENTERTAINMENT Wes RELEASED THROUGH RKO RADIO PICTURES, INC.