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Wednesday, May 18, 1955
Paramount is living it up. Over | the years, somehow, one company manages to be standout for a certain period, coming up with perhaps a half dozen click pictures in succession. Now it's Par’s turn, with a string of wins to equal the Brooklyn Dodgers’ current record.
Also, as in the case with the Flatbush phenoms, the amount of luck involved depends on who’s doing the appraising. That there’s no guaranteed formula for a money-making film continues axiomatic; in the absence of such a formula, some Par rivals suggest this outfit has gotten an unusual share of fortunate breaks — that these are a big factor behind the upbeat,
Par execs, in private conversation, prefer to, accent the company’s policy as reason for the climb. This goes back a few years, first with the shift to “A” films and the complete elimination of program-type fare. Also, there was the adoption of participation deals with stars and others, these being profit-sharing plans that cut production investment risks for Par and kept important name players on the lot and lured newcomers,
Divided But Not
On another count, the Don Hartman-Y. Frank Freeman combo at the studio has been functioning smoothly. Hartman, who is exec producer, presses for “production values”. in the product. Freeman, v.p. and top man in the production setup, halds the reins on the economics. Hartman doesn’t produce pix personally, consequently the possibility of any friction with the filmmakers at the Hollywood plant is precluded.
(Cynicism has been a part of the history of the picture business so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a non-Par company official
commented: “When a company sends out some _ good pictures everybody's a hero.”)
Regardless of whose credit line : warrants the boldface type—and no hugs is asking for a singing commercial—the plain fact is that Par right now has the hits greatly outnumbering the misses. This is un‘usual for the industry for the rea| son that frequently in past the ‘ratio obtaining with many companies was one boxoffice winner to | every four pix that either broke ‘ about even or Jost coin.
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Started Last Summer
pope back to last summer,
taller money started to roll fer ‘with * ‘Knock on Wood,” Danny Kaye comedy. This racked up about $3,000,000 in domestic rentals, meaning a fairenough return | on an expensive picture. * “Living It Up,’ Martin-Lewis entry, cleaned up a gross of $4,000,000. (All grosses herein cover only the domestic market and are unofficial but reliable estimates.)
_“About Mrs. Leslie” proved short
of satisfactory at $1,500,000. ‘Rear Window,” following in August, was smash, the Alfred Hitchcock entry with James Stewart and Grace Kelly taking a hefty $5,000,000. “Sabrina,’”” with William Holden, Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, was out in September and piled up $4.800,000. In the same month “Reap the Wild Wind” was reissued and harvested $1,000,000, all gravy except for the cost of prints and advertising.
“White Christmas” peddling staried in the October-November pericd and this Kaye-Bing Crosby musical is winding up with $10,000.000. It topped the list of Variety's blockbusters of the 1954 releases. “Three Ring Circus,” Martin & Lewis again, was launched in” December and picked up a fancy $3,500,000.
‘Girl’ Showed Stamina
The William Perlberg-George Seaton unit at Par provided the next two blue-chips _ entries: “Bridges At Toko-Ri,’ $5,000,000, and ‘Country Girl,’ $6,000,000. Earlier, on the basis of seattcred initial dates, ‘Girl’? seemed on the way to a $4,000,000 gross, which would have been fine. But it showed remarkable stamina on the holdover runs and sub-run engagements, thus reaching the lofty $6,000,000 leve!,
In March, George Pal’s “Conquest of Space.” a science-fictioner, got lost in space, this being one of the few lesser b.o. performers at $1.500,000. “Mambo,” made in Italy, is a $1,000,000’ grosser that went into release in April. Par will come out with a profit on it because of its relatively small investment. The current “Run for Cover,” James Cagney oater, looks on the negative side with a take of perhaps, $1,750,000.
Also in current release, but not sufficientiy circulated to crystalball the gross, are ‘‘Hell’s Island,” which is a modest budgeter, and “Strategic Air Command.” Latter, with Stewart and June Allyson in the leads, is the VistaVision air epic which Par hopes will end up in the klondike bracket.
5 ] ° Par’s Upcoming Sked Hollywood, May 17.
Paramount will make a newproduct splurge in the Julythrough-September period with the release of seven pix which represent a total negative cost of $20,000,000, George Weltner, global sales chief, told the company’s current sales meeting at the studio.
“Strategic Air Command,” now in pre-release, is set to lead off the sked with general handling in July, along with “The Seven Little Foys.” “We’re No Angels” and “You’re Never Too Young” go out in August and ‘Girl Rush,” “To Catch a Thief” and “Ulysses” follow in September.