Canadian Film Weekly (Jul 17, 1957)

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RMR Pac Sennen EAT Vol. 22, No. 29 Pittemenmeuranmasiic eas DS . rec EES US a RRR OSes hae eRe SBE Ps TD OS LESAN a SE oe 2 TRS PML ERE ORES Ee AR I LOD Ee AEN = Sea ere ee Incorporating the CANADIAN MOVING PICTURE DIGEST (Founded 1915) eases GN eee ae Y Toronto, July 17, 1957 BSE EES RE RS ALE SE A NE RS eS FESTIVALS, FESTIVALS EVERYWHERE CANADA HAD OVER 70 IN ‘56; SOON: MONT'L & VANC'R Of making many film festivals in Canada there is no end. In fact, the word “festival” in connection with films is being beaten to death. Any kind of continued exhibition of films in one week, whether in a regular commercial theatre or a hall, is \ Oedipus Opens Stfd. Pix Festival Stratford’s second annual film festival, for the Vogue Theatre July 8-20, was inaugurated — fitingly enough — with the photographic version of one of the theatre festival’s most interesting efforts, Oedipus Rex. The 90-minute Eastmancolor effort, produced by (Continued on Page 3) Canada Tourism Spurred By NFB Across Canada, plans are completed for the start of another season of travel-film presentations aimed at encouraging tourist travel in this country. Last year, the Summer Tourist Film Program involved some 1,200 separate shows to an audience in excess of 1,000,(Continued on Page 4) AWARD of a silver cup and scroll by Italy to Crawley Films’ Highway of the Atom was one of five made at the recent international nuclear energy conference in Rome. Crawley produced the film for a subsidiary of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, a Crown company. Other countries winning awards were Japan, USA, Britain and France. GEORGE CUTHBERT has opened Audio-Vision and Communications Company, Toronto. He’s handling Ducane audio-visual equipment, Hartman screens and the Bell & Howell line. He’s at 21 Pheasant Lane, Toronto and the phone number is BElmont 1-7490. George resigned recently as general manager of General Theatre Supply Company Limited. RUGHEIMER MADE CBC DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL SALES nett Powell announc "Too Much Free Space In Papers For TV?' That question, headlining a story in To-Day’s Cinema, UK film trade paper, expresses the current complaint of the British motion picture industry. It was asked by Sir Arthur Jarratt, managing director of British Lion, during an address beforethe Film Industry Publicity Circle in London on the occasion of honoring the Evening News’ Jympson Harmon on 36 years as a film critic and 50 years with that paper, A banner heading in the Kinematograph Weekly a few days later asked: “If TV can be reviewed daily, why not films, too?” The British situation isn’t nearly so far in the complained-of direction as the Canadian one, One of the favorite weapons in the circulation war over Toronto Saturday-Sunday newspapers has been TY. Special supplements covering programming and carrying biographies and photos of players are to be had with the Saturday Globe and Mail and the Sunday Telegram, while the Sat (Continued on Page 4) FRENCH and Australian co-production, exercised successfully for the first time by Discfilm, Paris and Southern International Studios with Walk Into Paradise, will create another feature, The Stowaway, from a book by George Simonen. French stars Francoise Arnoul and Henri Vudal and Australian James Forrest will work in French and English versions, the first to (Continued on Page 4) CBC Under Nowlan George C. Nowlan, who succeeded James McCann as Minister of National Revenue, has also replaced him as the cabinet minister reporting to Parliament for the CBC, it was announced in Ottawa last week by Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Nowlan is Nova Scotia’s representative in the cabinet. Sale of CBC radio and TY programs to sponsors for use in Britain and the export of such programs to that country, the USA, Australia and elsewhere will be under the overall charge of Gunnar Rugheimer, CBC Commercial manager Walter ed last week, Rugheimer, who join usually identified as a ‘film festival”. Believe it or leave it, Canada had over 70 film festivals in 1956, all of them for 16 mm. efforts. A couple of them, such as the one at Stratford for July 8-20, are for 35 mm. — but there is no competition in this gauge. These are all non-commercial in the sense that they aren’t offered by theatre operators or others whose simple stated aim is to make money. Stratford, the No. 1 film festival in this country, was begun last year and limits films to those not shown here before — with an oc (Continued on Page 3) Mediocrity Past, Says Kalmenson “The day of mediocrity in motion picture entertainment is long past,’ Ben Kalmenson, Warners’ executive vice-president, told the recent home office convention of distribution executives and district managers, which also heard a mes sage from Jack Warner. The com(Continued on Page 4) Theatres Under Way Carlsonia Theatres Limited’s 500-seat, $100,000 house, the second in Fort St. John, BC, is in advanced stages of construction and is expected to open September 1. The H & H Drive-in, the first in Williams Lake, BC, is also nearing completion. At the Hollywood Luncheon for D. Leo Dolan D. Leo Dolan, Canadian Consul General in Los Angeles, is welcomed to Hollywood by Steve Broidy (right), president of Allied Artists and vice-president of the Association of Motion Picture Producers, at a recent film industry luncheon in his honor. Top studio executives and several Hollywood correspondents of Canadian press and radio attended the affair, which was sponsored by the AMPP and the USA film industry’s Canadian Co-operation Project. Dolan, as former head of the Canadian Government’s tourist and travel bureau, has a special appreciation of the value of motion pictures in stimulating interest in Canada and appreciation of it as a good neighbor by the average American, SR Nene See See ae in 1948 in Montreal as head of the Swedish section of the International Service, was a special assistant in the Commercial Division, He was born in Stockholm, Sweden and arrived in 1945, freelancing in radio in Montreal for several years before starting with the CBC. At one time he was newsreel editor. ee pre’ UNS o peapeetenneny ><: