Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1953)

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Yeor Rentals of all films, $29,096,502 was for rentals TKLY, ™ Waa Rate ter ces $ 967,179 to theatres, community enterprises and OAR iach acne 1,198,016 itinerant operators for commercial exi KY [le ene Srey es Be 1,173,170 hibition. NDA TE U8 redone 1,180,170 In 1951, 1,591 new 35 mm, films and AOAB? i og Se ones 1,444,872 2,290 new 16 mm. films of all types 1949. ova siieccnanielnapeueene 1,684,953 were released and these included 701 1950 Oo No isctwins oe ee 1,713,813 35 mm. features and 558 16 mm. NOS Die 2 ical toe nee 1,889,461 features. Of the standard-size films 1,280 were in English, 280 in Revenue from the sale of advertising French and 31 in other languages. Of material was $551,048 and from other the narrow-gauge films 1,967 were in sources it was $341,798. English, 312 in French and 11 in other tongues. In the total 35 mm. releases are included 495 newsreels, of which 66 were in French and the rest in English. In 1951 there were 1,120 exchange employees and these received $3,071,545 in salaries. In 1950 there were 1,136 And in the 16 mm. field there were 110 employees. newsreels, all of them in the English Of the total $29,225,867 ‘from rentals language. EB Ceednal Hibns Limited HARRY J. ALLEN, President SIX BRANCHES SAINT JoHN, NB MONTREAL ToRONTO 162 Union St. 5975 Monkland Ave. 277 Victoria St. WINNIPEG CaLcaRy VANCOUVER Cinema Centre 710 8th Ave. W. 1208 Burrard St. HEAD OFFICE: 277 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO 107