Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1953)

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PRODUCTION FACILITIES Annual Indexes An index of gross revenues of film producing companies reporting to the Government increased in the 10 years from the base of 100 in 1941 to 245.7 in 1951. The index rose in each successive yeor of the war years to a peak of 158.1 for 1945, dropped to 140.6 for 1946, then rose to 159.6 for 1947 and 168.9 for 1948, climbing sharply to 207.6 for 1949 and more gradually to 213.5 for 1950, rising sharply again to the figure of 245.7 for 1951. Production Information FACILITIES Last year we drew on the Unesco survey of Canadian production ‘ facilities, made for “Press, Film, Radio,” available through the University of Toronto Press. This information has been brought upto-date. Associated Screen News Ltd. ot Montreal has facilities which include an air-conditioned sound stage 50x80 feet, completely equipped with MoleRichardson lighting; odjoining carpenter shop and prop rooms; synchronous background projection with 16-foot screen; Western Electric 35 mm, recording and dubbing; Maurer 16 mm. recording; synchronous tape recorders; portable 35 mm. and 16 mm. sound, and 75-k.w. generotors for location shooting; a laboratory equipped for processing and printing 35 mm., 16 mm. black and white, 35 mm., 16 mm, Ansco color; reduction printing; art department to handle titles; special effects and animations. Quebec Production Corporation of Montreal, has a stage 80x100 feet, a recording room, projection room, vaults, carpenters’, painters’, and tailors’ workshops, dressing rooms, offices and a power house. The studio contains all necessary production equipment. The former Renaissonce studios, Montreal, are now rented by the Canadian Marconi Company for broadcasting purposes. However, the sound stage, 60x120 feet, is still available for film production and Tit-Coq was made there last year. Other facilities include a recording studio, a projection room, carpenter shop, dressing rooms and offices. Wilfred Mathieu, !mmeubles Viger, 4824 Cote des Neiges Road, Montreal, represents the owners. 113 Crawley Films Ltd, at Ottawa has one stage of 35x50 feet, 35 mm. ond 16 mm. cutting rooms, a screening theatre, ort department, animation studio, filmstrip department, service departments, vaults and offices. Equipment includes 35 mm. and 16 mm. cameras and sound recorders for recording in the studio ond on location. A laboratory is attached for 16 mm. printing and processing. Film Laboratories of Canada Ltd. which is associated with Audio Pictures Ltd., a production company at Toronto, has one stage of 40x100 feet, recording and dubbing rooms, all sufficiently equipped. A laborotory is attached, equipped with three developing machines (one for negative and two for positive processing), straight printers, reduction printers and optical printers. Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Motion Picture Division, (formerly Sovereign Studios Ltd.) at Toronto, has a main studio shooting stage 50x75 feet; small studio for music recording; 35 mm. and 16 mm. editing rooms equipped with Moviola editing facilities; Western Electric recording system including Stancil-Hoffman 17.5 magnetic recording unit; 16 mm. laboratory facilities including 16 mm. color and black and white printing. Companies with production facilities but no stages are: National Film Board, Ottawa. Shelly Films Ltd., Toronto—35 mm. cameres, cutting rooms ond a modern laboratory for processing and printing 35 mm. black and white films, as well as cutting equipment. Trans-Canada Films Ltd., Vancouver—lighting equipment, 16 mm. cameras and sound recorder. Trans-World Film Laboratories, Ltd., Montreal —two 35 mm. studio cameras, Bell & Howell and Vinsen, and some lighting equipment. For rental only, since company does not produce. Atlantic Films and Electronics Ltd., St. John’s, Newfoundlond—offers “‘complete technical, editorial services to film producers’’ and has produced newsreels and shorts. National Film Boord, Ottawa—printing 35 mm. black and white and 16 mm. black and white and in color. Canadian Kodak Limited—16 mm. processing and printing in both Kodachrome and black and white, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has some production and processing facilities in connection with television presentations from its Toronto and Montreal studios.