Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1958)

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THIS AD IS Fulfillment of the basic Keep this ad and check our performance against our promise! “a LEGEND OF THE LOST Technirama Technicolor + Starring John Wayne + Sophia Loren » Rossano Brazzi Produced and Directed by Henry Hathaway + A Batjac Prod., Panama, Inc. Pres. THE QUIET AMERICAN Starring Audie Murphy Michael Redgrave Claude Dauphin + Giorgia Moll Written for the screen and Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz « A Figaro, Inc. Prod. PATHS OF GLORY Starring Kirk Douglas + co-starring Ralph Meeker « Adolphe Menjou + Directed by Stanley Kubrick » Produced by James B. Harris * A Bryna Production. WITNESS For THE PROSECUTION Starring Tyrone Power + Marlene Dietrich « Charles Laughton + Directed by Billy Wilder Produced by Arthur Hornblow + An Edward Small Presentation « Based on Agatha Christie's smash Broadway play. RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP Starring Clark Gable Burt Lancaster » Directed by Robert Wise » Produced by Harold Hecht + A Hecht, Hill and Lancaster Presentation. PARIS HOLIDAY Technirama Technicolor » Starring Bob Hope» Fernandel « Anita Ekberg + Martha Hyer + Directed by Gerd Oswald » A Tolda Production. GOD'S LITTLE ACRE Starring Robert Ryan Aldo Ray » Buddy Hackett + Tina Louise Directed by Anthony Mann + Prod. by Sidney Harmon + A Security Pictures Pres. « An Anthony Mann Prod. + From the world’s greatest best-selling novel by Erskine Caldwell. THUNDER ROAD Starring Robert Mitchum + Directed by Arthur Ripley » A DRM Production.