Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1966)

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. there’s no other paper in the motion picture industry and its many faceted fields that gives the reader the everyday news story every day from all over the world so completely and so quickly plus so many interesting daily features and timely editorials and showmanship reviews . . . THE FILM DAILY The Industry's Oldest Daily NEWSpaper (Established 1918) Publishers Also of THE FILM DAILY YEAR BOOK 1966 Edition, the 48th, Now in Worldwide Circulation 1967 Edition, Now in Intensive Preparation Copies to Paid Annual Subscribers Without Extra Charge Subscription, $20 a Year, Foreign, $25 PUBLICATION OFFICE WEST COAST OFFICE 1600 Broadway 6425 Hollywood Blvd. New York. N.Y. 10019 Hollywood, Calif. 90028 = 135