Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1969)

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Associations A.C.D.LF. (Association Canadienne des Distributeurs Independants de Films d'Expression Francaise) Suite 316-7, 1405 Bishop St., Montreal 25, Que. (842-5901) OFFICERS MC@SiC@Nt, Rev neetsG oy eee Jean Gouban ices Presid entre trucastt acacia Jo Oupcher Vice-President Andre Link Se@cretanymesuenvccesccesectesass André Pepin UPS Ue ritersics eee ents easier es Mrs. Wanda Gavsie CANADIAN MOTION PICTURE DISTRIBUTORS ASS’N 130 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont. (929-3358) MEMBER COMPANIES Twentieth Century-Fox Corporation, Ltd.; Columbia Pictures of Canada, Ltd., United Artists Corporation, Ltd.; Paramount Film Service Ltd.; Universal Films of Canada, Ltd.; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures of Canada, Ltd.; Warner Bros. Seven Arts Distributing Canada; International Film Distributors, Ltd.; Astral Films Ltd. & Empire Films Ltd. OFFICERS Pe SiC OMES crrccstocstercontveseateps cancecstoncodedesoteoreaseaces Jerry Solway Vice-President ........... . Harvey Harnick Executive Director Millard S. Roth DIRECTORS Each general manager is a member of the Board of Directors. FILM BOARDS The following Film Boards across Canada are affiliated with the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association. MARITIMES c/o Columbia Pictures 136 Princess St., Saint John, NB. OFFICERS Bre@sSicl@ nt: sccatssscessvorstviessasscanhootpaiteccses stares spectateeusenas R. Pacey Vice-President ... -D. C. McKelvie SS CRO LCI NY Mee saonnencacotrecveassVires tea takasnesthnasseteaba Miss Kay Ryan MONTREAL c/o Astral Films Ltd., 5800 Monkland Ave., Montreal, Que. OFFICERS President Saensshaksdeusrestensavaraadbeseectraeseseeue eae Archie Cohen Vice-President .cccceecccceeeeeeee G. Lightstone, Jr. SSL Ip Pai Se eee RE gs Bertrand Frank TORONTO c/o Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Ass'n 130 Bloor West, 6th Floor, Toronto 5 (929-3358) OFFICERS SahesobseynsohvbessencsaseesasspSdosviresinocctercavace L. Bernstein WINNIPEG c/o Empire-Universal Films Ltd 291 Colony St., Winnipeg, Man. President OFFICERS President stescescsousnsaredeocsdearhss RCo RR CEES » A. Levy Vice-President ........... we Je Brown Secretary ...:s..insiecesacss eae M. Nackimson CALGARY c/o 20th Century-Fox Corp. Ltd., 1402 11th Ave. SW, Calgary, Alta. OFFICERS Presidant, scssssscmicccsatens nape siigoreeceae B. Covert Vice-President .. S. Snidermon Secretary’ ssssvscsscesccamissniatin eee eee R. Zelickson VANCOUVER c/o Empire-Universal Films Ltd. 2182 W. 12th Ave., Vancouver 9, BC OFFICERS President scccctorccoseacsoceeteonsesteogererted B. Rudston-Brown Vice-President . C, Dawson Exley SECTELGTY orecsseccscsseee goocead sracvesstssabeseestiead A. Feinstein MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. 522 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 36, 10036 (TN 7-1200) OFFICERS Presldemmt) ccccossscnessoncsvestcosseroserteresettecesereate Jack J, Valenti Executive Vice-President in Charge of New York Offi CO csscscscsssesssesesesesreneenennees Ralph Hetzel Executive Vice-Pres. sscccssessseeseeneenee Kenneth W. Clark Executive Vice-Pres., Hollywood ....... Charles Boren Vice-President and Director of Production Code Administration... Geoffrey M. Shurlock Vice-President «cece Wm. H. Fineshriber, Jr. Vice-President ceccccscscceressereeereeersensnsennees Edward Cooper Vice-President .. Manning Claggett SOCLELATY oncessescesrersessesesenernsnssensees ... Sidney Schreiber TFOGSUFEL cseesesceseseeenese’ . Stanley R. Weber T. J. McNamara HOLLYWOOD 8480 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. 48, 90048 WASHINGTON 1600 Eye St. NW, Washington DC 6, 20006 Producers’ Representatives O. R. HANSON Second Flour, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Ont (365-6221) Representative for Foto-Nite Amateur 21 Dundas Square, Toronto, Canada; Junior a tion, Lewis Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.; Drumme Films Ltd., Rank Laboratories, Denham, Uxbridge, England; Alliance International Films Distributors Ltd., London, England. Shows Ltd.,