Catalog of 16mm Silent Motion Picture Film Library (1945)

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16 mm Silent 84 M O ii U L L ยป S MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION If you ore not already a member, fill in and return this form. Membership is free. GULL'S, Inc. West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. Tel. Bryant 9-3600 Date 194 I hereby apply for membership in Mogull's NATIONAL FILM RENTAL LIBRARY. In consideration of the Film Service to be furnished me, I agree to observe the rules of the Library, as outlined in the catalog, to use ordinary care in hondling and projecting prints, to return my films promptly, not to lend, borrow or exchange Library Films with others and to be responsible for damage to Library Films while they are in my possession and to pay for the replacement of footage *o damaged. My projector takes 400 ft. reels. I agree to furnish an adequate list of preferred and alternate subjects or to accept substitutes. Name (PRINT) Home Address Town or City State. By whom employed Position Business Address Business phone Home phone REFERENCES: AT LEAST THREE companies with which you do business. (Local merchants in your own town are the best references.) Bank Bank Address MAKE OF PROJECTOR. MODEL This application does not bind MOGULL'S, INC. to grant membership. If application is accepted, confirmation will be made at earliest possible time. Him service to members will be rendered for as long a period as a member is in good standing. MOGULL'S, INC. reserves the right to limit number of reels rented by any member at any one time. FULL RENTAL CHARGE MUST BE PAID WITH RENTAL ORDER unless a credit account has been established. Mogull's agrees to exercise all reasonable care in filling orders but shall not be held responsible for postal or express delays in delivery, or other delays occasioned by errors occurring in the normal conduct incident to the handling of such orders. (Signoture of Applicont)