Catalog of RCA Victor Records (1948)

Record Details:

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RCA VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS _ _ _ _ . ANCONA, MARIO, Baritone (Continued) Masked Ball, The: Act ill; ERI TU CHE MACCHIAVI QUELL' ANIMA (Was It Thou?) Verdi Mario Ancona, Baritone, with Orchestral Accompaniment (Recorded in 1907) One 12" Heritage Series Record Envelope Masterpiece No. EM-4 3.50 EM(15-1002) ANDERSON, JUDITH, Dramatic Reader DRAMATIC SKETCHES (Judith Anderson in Dramatic Sketches) LINCOLN'S LETTER TO MRS. BIXBY Geiger THE FOG Latouche THE STATUE OF LIBERTY Latouche SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Passages from the King James Version of the Bible) Judith Anderson, Dramatic Reader, with Supporting Cast and Unaccompanied Mixed Quartet Three 12" Records Album No. M/DM-960 3.85 M(1 1-8554-1 1-8556) DM(1 1-8557-1 1-8559) MACBETH (Recordrama) Act I; Scenes 1 and 3, THREE WITCHES AND MACBETH Act I; Scene 5, LETTER SCENE Act I; Scene 7, PLANNING OF THE MURDER Act II; Scene 1, MURDER SCENE Act III; Scene 1, BANQUO AND MACBETH (To Be Thus Is Nothing) (Soliloquy) Act III; Scene 2, MACBETH AND LADY MACBETH Act V; Scene 1, SLEEP-WALKING SCENE Act V; Scenes 3 and 5, MACBETH AND SEYTON Shakespeare Maurice Evans and Judith Anderson, Dramatic Readers, with Supporting Cast, Incidental Music by Lehman Engel Also included as Final Side in this Album: Henry VIII: JIG and FINALE (Ballet Divertissement) Saint-Saens National Symphony Orchestra, Walter Damrosch, Conductor Five 12" Records Album No. M/DM-878 6.00 M( 18422-1 8426) DM (1842718431) ANDERSON, MARIAN, Contralto America's own and greatest contralto, Marian Anderson, started her career as the fa¬ vorite singer in a South Phil¬ adelphia Negro neighborhood where she was born and reared. She made her first public appearance at the age of six in Philadelphia's Union Bap¬ tist Church and at eight she earned her first public fee singing one song at an in¬ formal concert. From that time on her singing was rec¬ ognized. By the time she fin¬ ished her high school course, a fund for "Marian Ander¬ son's Future" had been collected by the Philadelphia Choral Society and eventually she started a long course of study with the late Giuseppe Boghetti. It wasn't until she had returned from study in Europe, however, that Miss Anderson was recognized as an international figure. Today Marian Anderson is truly a great artist. Tall and stately in figure, she presents herself as a person who loves singing and regards it as a sacred privilege. The language of Bach, Schubert and Brahms is spoken most eloquently through her inspired interpretations. Ever interested in the development of other gifted singers, Marian Ander¬ son has established the "Marian Anderson Annual Award" of $1,000 to foster the careers of young aspirants. ALTO RHAPSODY, Op. 53 (after Goethe's "Harzreise im Winter") Brahms Marian Anderson, Contralto, with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Pierre Monteux, Conductor Two 12" Records Album No. M/DM-1111 2.85 M(1 1-9500-1 1-9501) DM(1 1-9502-1 1-9503) AUFENTHALT (My Abode) Franz Schubert Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 14210 1.00 AVE MARIA Franz Schubert Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 14210 1.00 BACH ARIAS Cantata No. 12: No. 4; KREUZ UND KRONE (Pain and Sorrow) Cantata No. 81: JESUS SCHLAFT, WAS SOLL ICH HOFFEN (Jesus Sleeps, What Hope Remaineth) Cantata No. 112: ZUM REINEN WASSER (To Living Waters Bright and Clear) Christmas Oratorio: No. 4; BEREITE DICH, ZION (Prepare Thyself, Zion) St. Matthew Passion: ERBARME DICH (Have Mercy, Lord, on Me) Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Robert Bloom, Assisting Oboist, Joseph Fuchs, Assisting Violinist, and the RCA Victor Chamber Orchestra, Robert Shaw, Conductor Three 12" Records Album No. M/DM-1087 3.85 M(1 1-9378-1 1-9380) DM(1 1-9381-1 1-9383) ANDERSON, MARIAN, Contralto (Continued) BRIGHT PHOEBUS Hook Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1300 .75 CARRY ME BACK TO OLD VIRGINNY Bland Marian Anderson, Contralto, with the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra, Charles O'Connell, Conductor 12" Record No. 18314 1.00 CITY CALLED HEAVEN Arranged by Hall Johnson Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 8958 1.00 COME AWAY, DEATH (from "Twelfth Night") Shakespeare-Sibelius Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1809 .75 DEEP RIVER Negro Spiritual— Arranged by H. T. Burleigh Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 2032 .75 DERE'S NO HIDIN' PLACE DOWN DERE Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Brown EV'RY TIME I FEEL DE SPIRIT Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Brown Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 2032 .75 Dido and Aeneas: Act III; WHEN I AM LAID IN EARTH Tate-Henry Purcell Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 17257 1.00 EV'RY TIME I FEEL DE SPIRIT Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Brown DERE'S NO HIDIN' PLACE DOWN DERE Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Brown Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 2032 .75 FORELLE, DIE, Op. 32 (The Trout) Franz Schubert Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1862 .75 GO DOWN MOSES (Let My People Go) Negro Spiritual— Arranged by H. T. Burleigh Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1799 .75 GREAT SONGS OF FAITH The Messiah: HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK Handel The Messiah: HE WAS DESPISED AND REJECTED Handel St. Paul: BUT THE LORD IS MINDFUL OF HIS OWN (Recitative and Aria) Mendelssohn Elijah: O REST IN THE LORD Mendelssohn St. John Passion: ALL IS FULFILLED (Es ist vollbracht) J. S. Bach Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Samuel Mayes, Assisting 'Cellist, and the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra, Charles O'Connell, Conductor Three 12" Records Album No. M-850 3.85 M(18324-18326) HEAR THE WIND WHISPERING Bucky Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1260 .75 HEAVEN, HEAVEN Arranged by H. T. Burleigh LORD I CAN'T STAY AWAY Arranged by Roland Hayes Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 8958 1.00 HOLD ON! Traditional Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Hall Johnson Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1278 .75 I CAN'T STAY AWAY Negro Spiritual— Arranged by Roland Hayes Marian Anderson. Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1966 .75 I DON'T FEEL NO-WAYS TIRED Negro Spiritual— Arranged by H. T. Burleigh Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano *10" Record No. 1982 .75 I KNOW LORD LAID HIS HANDS ON ME (Negro Spiritual) Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1896 .75 KOMM', SUSSER TOD (Come, Sweet Death) J. S. Bach Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1939 .75 LAKSIN MINA KESAYONA KAYMAAN (Summer Night) Arranged by Palmgren TUKU TUKU LAMPAITANI (Little Finnish Folk Song) Arranged by Vehanen Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 10" Record No. 1809 .75 LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER Negro Spiritual — Arranged by Lawrence Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1040 LORD I CAN'T STAY AWAY Arranged by Roland Hayes HEAVEN, HEAVEN Arranged by H. T. Burleigh Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 8958 LULLABY, Op. 57, No. 2 Rossetti-Cyril Scott Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1260 MAINACHT, DIE, Op. 43, No. 2 (The May Night) Brahms Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Kosti Vehanen at the Piano 12" Record No. 14610 MY MOTHER BIDS ME BIND MY HAIR Haydn Marian Anderson, Contralto, with Franz Rupp at the Piano 10" Record No. 10-1199 MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME Stephen Foster Marian Anderson, Contralto, with the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra, Charles O'Connell, Conductor 416 12" Record No. 18314