Catalog of RCA Victor Records (1948)

Record Details:

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Sc RCA VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS Sc SCATTOLA, CARLO, Bass BOHEME, LA (Vols. 1 and 2) Puccini Famous Artists with Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala Opera Company, Milan, Umberto Berrettoni, Conductor Volume 1 Seven 12" Records Album No. M/DM-51,8 7.85 M<1 2385-1 239*) DM( 12727-1 2733) Volume 2 Six 12" Records Album No. M/DM-519 6.85 M(1 2392-1 2397) DM(1 2734-1 2739) BOHEME, LA (The Heart of "La Boh&me") (Recordrama) Puccini Licia Albanese and Tatiana Menotti, Sopranos; Beniamino Gigli, Tenor; Aristide Baracchi and Afro Poli, Baritones; Duilio Baronti and Carlo Scattola, Basses, with Members of La Scala Orchestra, Milan, Ufnberto Berret¬ toni, Conductor Five 12" Records Album No. M/DM-980 6.00 M(1 1-8684—1 1-8638) DM(1 1-8689-1 1-8693) SCHAP1RO, MAXIM, Pianist SYMPHONY ON A FRENCH MOUNTAIN AIR FOR ORCHESTRA AND PIANO, Op. 25 d'lndy San Francisco Symphony Orchestra with Maxim Schapiro, Pianist, Pierre Monteux, Conductor Three 12" Records Album No. M/DM-913 3.85 M(1 1-8367-1 1-8369) DM(1 1-8233-1 1-8235) SCHELLENBERG, ARNO, Bass MEISTERSINGER, DIE: ACT III (Vols. 1 and 2) Wagner Famous Artists with the Choir of the Dresden State Opera and the Saxon State Orchestra, Karl Bohm, Conductor Volume 1 Ten 12" Records Album No. M/DM-537 10.85 M(15683-15692) DM(1 6077-1 6086) Volume 2 Five 12" Records Album No. M/DM-538 5.85 M(1 5693-1 5697) DM( 16087-1 6091) SCHEPPAN, HILDE, Soprano MAGIC FLJTE, THE (Die Zauberflote) (Vols. 1 and 2) Mozart Famous Artists and Chorus with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Thomas Beecham, Bart., Conductor Also included as Final Side in Vol. 2: RONDO (from Serenade in G, "Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525") Mozart Sir Thomas Beecham, Bart., and the London Philharmonic Oichestra Volume 1 Nine 12" Records Album No. M/DM-541 9.85 M(1 2551 -12559) DM(1 2653-1 2661) Volume 2 Ten 12" Records Album No. M/DM-542 10.85 M( 12560-1 2569) DM(1 2662-12671) SCHIPA, TITO, Tenor Barber of Seville: Act I; ECCO RIDENTE IN CIELO (Dawn with Her Rosy Mantle) Rossini Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1180 .75 Barber of Seville: Act I; SE IL MIO NOME (If My Name You Would Know) Rossini Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1180 .75 Boheme, La: Act IV; DEATH SCENE Puccini Lucrezia Bori, Soprano, and Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accom¬ paniment 12" Record No. 8068 1.00 DON PASQUALE (Vols. 1 and 2) Donizetti Famous Artists with Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala Opera Company, Milan, Carlo Sabcjno, Conductor Fifteen 12" Records Album No. M/DM-187 16.70 M(1 1563-1 1577) DM(1 3330-1 3344) Manon: Act II; IL SOGNO (The Dream) Massenet Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1183 .75 O SOLE MIO! Capurro-di Capua Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1099 .75 Pagliacci, I: Act II; SERENATA D' ARLECCHINO (Harlequin's Serenade) Leoncavallo Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1183 .75 Rigoletto: Act IV; LA DONNA E MOBILE (Woman Is Fickle) Verdi Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1099 ,75 Traviata, La: Act I; UN Di FELICE ETEREA (One Day, a Love Ethereal) Verdi Amelita Galli-Curci, Soprano, and Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Accompaniment 10" Record No. 1754 .75 Traviata, La: Act III; PARIGI O CARA (Far from Gay Paris) Verdi Amelita Galli-Curci, Soprano, and Tito Schipa, Tenor, with Orchestral Ac¬ companiment 10" Record No. 1754 JS SCHIPPER, EMIL, Baritone SIEGFRIED Wagner Famous Artists with the London Symphony Orchestra, Albert Coates and Robert Heger, Conductors; Vienna State Opera Orchestra, Karl Alwin, Con¬ ductor, and the Berlin State Opera Orchestra, Leo Blech, Conductor Ten 12" Records Album No. M/DM-83 10.85 M(9805-9814) DM (1325 1-1 3260) SCHMALSTICH, CLEMENS, Conductor See Berlin State Opera Orchestra SCHMITZ, E. ROBERT, Pianist CATHEDRALE ENGLOUTIE, LA (The Engulfed Cathedral) (No. 10 from "Pre¬ ludes, Book I") Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist 12"Record No. 11-8240 1.00 CLAIR DE LUNE (Moonlight) (No. 3 from "Suite Bergamasque") Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist 12" Record No. 11-8240 1.00 PRELUDES, BOOK I (1910) DANSEUSES DE DELPHES (Dancers of Delphi) VOILES (Sails) LE VENT DANS LA PLAINE (The Wind Through the Plain) LES SONS ET LES PARFUMES TOURNENT DANS L'AIR DU SOIR (Sounds and Scents Revolve in the Evening Air) LES COLLINES D'ANACAPRI (The Hills of Anacapri) DES PAS SUR LA NEIGE (Footprints in the Snow) CE QU'A VU LE VENT DE L'OUEST (What the West Wind Saw) LA FILLE AUX CHEVEUX DE LIN (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair) LA SERENADE INTERROMPUE (The Interrupted Serenade) LA DANSE DE PUCK (The Dance of Puck) LA CATHEDRALE ENGLOUTIE (The Engulfed Cathedral) MINSTRELS Also included as Final Side in this Album: SUR LE NOM D'HAYDN (1909) (On the Name of Haydn) Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist Seven 10" Records Album No. M/DM-1031 MOO-1185— 10-1191) DM(10-1 192-10-1 198) 6.00 Suite Bergamasque: MENUET Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist 12" Record No. 11-8694 1.00 Suite Bergamasque: PRELUDE Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist 12" Record No. 11-8694 1.00 SUR LE NOM D'HAYDN (1909) (On the Name of Haydn) Debussy (Final Side in Album) PRELUDES, BOOK I (1910) DANSEUSES DE DELPHES (Dancers of Delphi) VOILES (Sails) LE VENT DANS LA PLAINE (The Wind through the Plain) LES SONS ET LES PARFUMS TOURNENT DANS L'AIR DU SOIR (Sounds and Scents Revolve in the Evening Air) LES COLLINES D'ANACAPRI (The Hills of Anacapri) DES PAS SUR LA NEIGE (Footprints in the Snow) CE QU'A VU LE VENT DE L'OUEST (What the West Wind Saw) LA FILLE AUX CHEVEUX DE LIN (The Girl With the Flaxen Hair) LA SERENADE INTERROMPUE (The Interrupted Serenade) LA DANSE DE PUCK (The Dance of Puck) LA CATHEDRALE ENGLOUTIE (The Engulfed Cathedral) MINSTRELS Debussy E. Robert Schmitz, Pianist Seven 10" Records Album No. M/DM-1031 6.00 M(10-l 185-10-1 191) DM(1 0-11 92—1 0-1 1 98) SCHNABEL, ARTUR, Pianist One of the foremost pianists of our time, Artur Schnabel is regarded as the greatest exponent of Beethoven's music for this instrument. At first glance one would hardly suspect that this unassuming little man with the close-cropped moustache could hold a concert audience spellbound. Yet time and again Schnabel has done just that, not only here in the United States but throughout Europe and the British Isles. Artur Schnabel was born in Sipnik, Austria, in 1882. At the age of seven he was a pupil of Hans Schmitt, with whom he made such rapid progress that he was soon able to undertake a few concert appearances. Two years later he went to Vienna to study with the great Leschetizky. Six years of hard study followed and Schnabel began his concert career. It was not long before he acquired a distinctive reputation and was appearing with all the major European symphony orchestras. In 1922 he made a brief visit to the United States and then returned to Europe, where he remained for eleven years. At the invitation of Serge Koussevitzky, he came to the United States to participate in a Brahms festival with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. This precipitated an interest in the pianist that grew by leaps and bounds. Indeed, his popularity reached such proportions that it was dubbed in musical circles "the Schnabel Vogue." Although Artur Schnabel's greatest success has come with Beethoven's music, he also is known as a distinguished interpreter of Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Schubert and Schumann. CONCERTO FOR PIANO IN F ("Italian") J. S. Bach Artur Schnabel, Pianist Two 12" Records Album No. M/DM-806 2.85 M(18103-18104) DM( 181 05-1 81 06) CONCERTO FOR TWO PIANOS AND ORCHESTRA IN C J. S. Bach Artur Schnabel and Karl Ulrich Schnabel, Pianists, with the London Sym¬ phony Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult, Conductor Three 12" Records Album No. M/DM-357 3.85 M(1 4409-1 4411) DM(16819-16821) 520