Catalog of RCA Victor Records (1948)

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Sw RCA VICTOR SWARTHOUT, GLADYS, Mezzo-soprano (Continued) GLADYS SWARTHOUT IN SONG Rinaldo: LASCIA CH' 10 PIANGA (Leave Me to Languish) Handel COME AGAIN, SWEET LOVE Dowland-Collected by Potter NYMPHS AND SHEPHERDS Henry Purcell LE TEMPS DES LILAS (Lilac Time) Boucher-Chausson ROMANZA DE SOLITA (from "La Romeria de los Cornudos") Pittaluga EL MAJO DISCRETO (Gay Discretion) Granados SERENADE Sassoon-Carpenter MY LAGAN LOVE (from "Three Traditional Ulster Airs") MacCathnhaoilHarty THE KERRY DANCE Molloy THE LORD'S PRAYER Malotte Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with Lester Hodges at the Piano Four 12" Records Album No. M-679 M( 16778-1 6781) GLADYS SWARTHOUT SINGS FALLING IN LOVE WITH LOVE Hart-Rodgers YOU'RE EVERYWHERE Heyman-Youmans SEPTEMBER SONG (from the United Artists film "Knickerbocker Holiday") Anderson-Weill THE LOVELY SONG MY HEART IS SINGING Gou/ding IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT Porter I'LL REMEMBER APRIL (from "Ride 'em Cowboy") Raye-dePaulJohnston Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with Russ Case and his Orchestra Three 10" Records Album No. M-1127 M(1 0-1 297-10-1 299) I WONDER AS I WANDER Appalachian Folk Song— Collected and arranged by J. J. Niles Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Orchestra, Jay Blackton, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1181 I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN (from "Bitter sweet") Noel Coward Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Concert Orchestra 10" Record No. 10-1044 INTO THE NIGHT Edwards Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Symphony Or¬ chestra, Wilfred Pelletier, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1001 Moscow Cantata: PRAYER: "LORD, ALMIGHTY GOD" Tchaikovsky-Wille Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Orchestra, Sylvan Levin, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1166 MOTHER (from "My Maryland") Donnelly-Romberg Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Concert Orchestra 10" Record No. 10-1044 MUSICAL SHOW HITS BEGIN THE BEGUINE (from "Jubilee") Porter IT'S A LOVELY DAY TOMORROW (from "Louisiana Purchase") Berlin SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES (from "Roberta") Harbach-Kern THROUGH THE YEARS (from "Through the Years") Heyman-Y6umans DANCING IN THE DARK (from "The Band Wagon") Dietz-Schwartz GIVE ME ONE HOUR (from "The White Eagle") Hooker-Friml THE MAN I LOVE (from "Strike Up the Band") Ira and George Gershwin MY HEART STOOD STILL (from "The Connecticut Yankee") Hart-Rodgers Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Concert Orchestra Four 10" Records Album No. M-935 M( 1 0-1 036—1 0-1039) NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART, Op. 6, No. 6 Goethe-Tchaikovsky Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Orchestra, Sylvan Levin, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1166 RIGHT AS THE RAIN (from "Bloomer Girl") Harburg-Arlen Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with Orchestra, Jay Blackton, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1128 Samson and Delilah: Act II; AMOUR, VIENS AIDER MA FAIBLESSE (Love, Come Aid My Weakness) Saint-SaSns Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with Orchestra, Alexander Smallens, Conductor 12" Record No. 14143 Samson and Delilah: Act II; MON COEUR S'OUVRE A TA VOIX (My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice) Saint-Saens Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with Orchestra, Alexander Smallens, Conductor 12" Record No. 14143 SPIRIT FLOWER, A Stanton— Campbell-Tipton Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano, with the RCA Victor Symphony Or¬ chestra, Wilfred Pelletier, Conductor 10" Record No. 10-1001 SZELL, GEORG, Conductor See: Czech Philharmonic Orchestra London Philharmonic Orchestra Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra TALICH, VACLAV, Conductor See Czech Philharmonic Orchestra TAMARIN, ILYA, Tenor BORIS GODOUNOFF (Abridged) (Recordrama) Moussorgsky Alexander Kipnis, Bass, and Ilya Tamarin, Tenor, with the RCA Victor Sym¬ phony Orchestra and Chorus, Nicolai Berezowsky, Conductor, Robert Shaw, Choral Director Five 12" Records Album No. M/DM-1000 M(1 1-8763-1 1-8767) DM(1 1-8768-1 1-8772) REDSEALRECORDS T6 ~ 4.85 3.00 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 3.75 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 .75 6.00 TAMARIN, ILYA,Tenor (Continued) RUSSIAN OPERATIC ARIAS Eugen Onegin: Act III; PRINCE GREMIN'S AIR Tchaikovsky Sadko: Scene 3; SONG OF THE VIKING GUEST Rimsky-Korsakoff Prince Igor: Act I; PRINCE GALITSKY'S AIR (I Hate a Dreary Life) Borodin Boris Godounoff: Act I; Scene 2, COME NOW, COMRADES, FILL UP YOUR GLASS Moussorgsky The Roussalka: Act I; MILLER'S ARIA Dargomiisky SONG OF THE FLEA (from Goethe's "Faust") Moussorgsky Alexander Kipnis, Bass, with Anna Leskaya, Soprano, Ilya Tamarin, Tenor, and the RCA Victor Orchestra, Nicolai Berezowsky, Conductor Three 12" Records Album No. M-1073 3.85 M(1 1-9284-1 1-9286) TARRASCH, WILLIAM, Conductor See RCA Victor Orchestra TELVA, MARION, Contralto Norma: Act III; MIRA, O NORMA (Hear Me, Norma) Bellini Rosa Ponselle, Soprano, and Marion Telva, Contralto, with the Metropoli¬ tan Opera Orchestra, Giulio Setti, Conductor 12" Record No. 8110 1.00 TESCHEMACHER, MARGARETE, Soprano MEISTERSINGER, DIE: ACT III (Vols. 1 and 2) Wagner Famous Artists with the Choir of the Dresden State Opera and the Saxon State Orchestra, Karl Bohm, Conductor Volume 1 Ten 12" Records Album No. M/DM-537 10.85 M(1 5683-1 5692) DM(1 6077-1 6086) Volume 2 Five 12" Records Album No. M/DM-538 5.85 M(15693-15697) DM(1 6087-1 6091) TESSMER, HEINRICH, Tenor MAGIC FLUTE, THE (Die Zauberflote) (Vols. 1 and 2) Mozart Famous Artists and Chorus with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Thomas Beecham, Bart., Conductor Also included as Final Side in Vol. 2: RONDO (from Serenade in G, "Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K.525") Mozart Sir Thomas Beecham, Bart., and the London Philharmonic Orchestra Volume 1 Nine 12" Records Album No. M/DM-541 9.85 M(1 2551-1 2559) DM(1 2653-1 2661) Volume 2 Ten 12" Records Album No. M/DM-542 10.85 M( 12560-1 2569) DM(12662-12671) * TETRAZZINI, LUISA, Soprano Barber of Seville: Act I; UNA VOCE POCO FA (A Little Voice I Hear) Rossini Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano, with Orchestra, Lawrance Collingwood, Con¬ ductor 12" Record No. 7883 1.00 Marriage of Figaro, The: Act II; VOI CHE SAPETE (What Is This Feeling?) Mozart Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano, with Orchestral Accompaniment (Recorded in London, 1908) One 12" Heritage Series Record Envelope Masterpiece No. EM-3 3.50 EM(15-1001) Mignon: Act II; IO SON TITANIA (I'm Fair Titania!) Thomas Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano, with Orchestral Accompaniment (Recorded in London, 1908) One 12" Heritage Series Record Envelope Masterpiece No. EM-3 3.50 EM(15-1001) Rigoletto: Act II; CARO NOME (Dearest Name) Verdi Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano, with Orchestra, Lawrance Collingwood, Con¬ ductor 12" Record No. 7883 1.00 TEYTE, MAGGIE, Soprano Maggie Teyte, the beloved and distinguished English so¬ prano, was born in Wolver¬ hampton and made her vocal debut at the age of twelve, at a church benefit. Her rendition of Tosti's " Good-bye " startled the brother of operetta-com¬ poser Paul Reubens into doing something to further her train¬ ing. He thereupon organized a committee — which in turn or¬ ganized a tidy sum — which sent young Maggie off to Paris and the famous Jena de Reszke, who promptly accept¬ ed her as a pupil. Two years later, in 1906, at the Mozart Festival in Paris, she appeared in Don Giovanni. Then came a joint recital with Paderewski at the Monte Carlo Opera House. Miss Teyte became a member of the Opera Comique and studied the role of Melisande with Debussy himself ,• when she finally sang the role, two years later, it was with phenomenal success. Shortly after 530