Catalogue of Pathépictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups (1925)

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PATHEPICTURES 17 BORDER LAW (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Leo Maloney, a ranger, is in love with the captain's daughter. He is so bashful that the captain urges the girl to coquette with a supposed artist from the city, to spur the ranger on. This gives the spurious artist, who is really the chief of the gun runners, his chance to get needed information about the Ranger-Rurales' plans. The bashful hero, however, stumbles on the key to the situation. The result is a spirited chase through mountain passes, the capture of the law breakers and the arrival of the girl on the scene at the psychological moment when the hero forgets his bashfulness. WINGS OF THE STORM (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Maloney goes out to capture the man who killed the father of the girl he loves. By pretending to be a fugitive from justice he learns all he desires to know and captures the murderer and his partners. THE UNSUSPECTING STRANGER (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels Leo Maloney, as the unsuspecting stranger, goes to buy a ranch from a man named Murdock. On the way he rescues the father of the girl from Murdock and then discovers a plot to put the father off his homestead. After showing up the villains he wins the girl and buys a share in her father's land. HYDE AND ZEKE (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Lafe Hyde insists that his daughter Ruth marry Larrabee who is wealthy but mean. Ruth loves Zeke. Through a mix-up Ruth is caught at a farm house with some cowboys. Her father and Zeke come to the rescue, and Zeke tells her that her father defeaioi three cowboys at once, which so pleases the old man that he lets them have their own way. TOM, DICK AND HARRY (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels Leo Maloney as Tom, the hero, is in love with a girl whose mother runs the family and says that she cannot marry him. The two villains are trying to make the girl's father pay them $200 which he lost to them at cards. Tom's clog, Dick, gets a fur belonging to the girl's mother. Tom starts home, finds the dog with the fur and sees that it is torn. While he is debating how to give it back so the mother will not find out who tore it, she weeps and says that two hundred dollars was sewn in the lining. The villains hear this and secure the fur. As they are escaping the dog smells the fur and chases them, and the whole family pursues. Tom catches the villain, rescues the fur and when the father comes up he asserts himself and gives Tom the girl. STEEL SHOD EVIDENCE (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Leo Maloney as Buck Sinclair, the hero, trains a horse for the father of his girl. Hodge wishes to run the horse in the coming Fourth of July race. The horse shows such promise that the villain, whose horse has won all the recent races, determines to keep it out. When Sinclair brings the horse to the ranch, the villain wires its leg, but Sinclair suspects something. They fight, and when the wiring is discovered by Hodge, Sinclair is accused. Then the villain steals the horse and escapes, but is seen and pursued. Fearing that he will be caught he changes horses with Sinclair who is down at the brook drinking. Sinclair is taken as a horse thief by the ranchmen but escapes and following his dog, tracks the thieves. Sinclair with the ranchmen after him comes to the ranch where the villains are. Sinclair is cleared and gets the girl. YELLOW MEN AND GOLD (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Jim O'Neil staggers into the ranch yard, thirsty and torn, but with a canteen full of gold. The two villains pursue the rancher's son to steal the canteen, and he attempts it but is caught by his sister who has fallen in love with O'Neil. O'Neil recovers the stolen canteen and turns out to be the son of the captain of the Rangers. WARNED IN ADVANCE (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels Tom Boone plans an elopement but his girl mixes the plan by telling her father before they have had time to get to town and be married. Her father rides after them and reaches town first. Maloney steals the girl from the coach which leads to complications as the Judge's daughter was supposed to be on that same stage, but wasn't. Maloney is arrested as an outlaw and the girl's father does what he can to have him convicted. But the real outlaws are caught and Maloney and the girl win her father over and all ends happily. ONE JUMP AHEAD (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 2 Reels Maloney as a Texas Ranger is on the trail of some cattle thieves. They buy cattle and then steal back the money. Maloney traps them and after being convicted himself he shows up the real thieves. HERE'S YOUR MAN (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Maloney is in love with a girl but is ordered from the ranch because he interferes between her father and another man to whom he owes money. The other man is killed and the blame is put on the brother. Maloney gets the real criminals and all ends well.