Catalogue of Pathépictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups (1925)

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24 PATHEPICTURES then on he is pursued by the hard luck, that didn't amuse him, although it will any audience. THE NON-STOP KID (M., H.S.) 1 Reel When father has driven away all her other suitors, Harold decides to try for the girl himself. He impersonates Prof. Noodle, whom her father wishes her to marry. When the real professor arrives, Harold is forced to make a quick getaway, but he takes the girl along with him. THAT'S HIM (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel The newly married man starts off on his wedding trip without his railroad tickets. Before he recovers them he has set the entire town by the ears and has led his bride to think she has been deserted. SHE LOVES ME NOT (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Lloyd is one of three suitors who attempt to win the girl by all sorts of slapstick adventures. Clean, rough and tumble comedy that is irresistible. LOOK OUT BELOW (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels are so much in love that when the steel girder on which they are sitting is being hauled to the top of a huge skyscraper they don't even know it. Much excitement and chasing and perilous teetering follows, when at last they wake up. THE BIG IDEA (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel Lloyd wins the hand of a second-hand furniture dealer's daughter by one of his original ideas. Exceptional!}' good, clean comedy. ON THE JUMP (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel As the head bell-hop at the Squirrel Inn, Harold is kept good and busy. Dogs, cats. parrots and babies all add to the excitement. But when Snoopy Sam and Buzzaw Bill arrive, the fun waxes fast and furious. ON THE FIRE (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel As a chef Harold is resourceful and enterprising. His manipulation of mechanical cooking devices furnishes exceedingly good comedy. HIT HIM AGAIN (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel Child Harold is matched with Boiler-Nosed Bill, the heavyweight champion, in a finish light, straight Marquis of Gooseberry rules. Object: matrimony with the daughter of a wealthy gentleman who wants a fighter in the family. The result is a hilarious comedy BEAT IT (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Lloyd plays the part of a flirtatious youth who becomes involved with several young women and finally has not fewer than fifty police pursuing him. NEXT AISLE OVER (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel One thousand feet of comedy about shoes with a laugh in every foot. Harold Lloyd is the demonstrator. PIPE THE WISKERS (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Lloyd gets a job as janitor in a rest cure for old men. Many of the inmates are cured during his stay, but not through rest. WHY PICK ON ME (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Two officers of the law probably asked the same question after they had picked on Harold Lloyd and had been led on a wild chase through the perilous parts of Coney Island. ASK FATHER (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel Harold is an ardent suitor, but when he climbs a skyscraper to "ask father," he falls — not from the skyscraper — but in love with another girl. A rapid and clever comedy. BILLY BLAZES, ESQ. (M., H.S.) 1 Reel In spite of the fact that "Snub" is sheriff, Ironhand Charley rules the town until Billy Blazes come along. He rescues the aged tavern keeper from the power of the villain and then rides away with his daughter. WANTED $5,000 (M., H.S., J., Ch.) 1 Reel Harold wanted it bad because he couldn't marry his girl until he got it — and he did get it after a hectic and adventurous afternoon.