Catalogue of Pathépictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups (1925)

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P ATHEPICTURES 29 THE FRAIDY CAT (M., H.S.) 1 Reel Jimmy Jump is afraid of everything, including the "Gang" and his rival until the doctor tells him he is to die in a week. When he hears this he decides to be brave for a week, and turns on the "Gang" and his rival and wins the girl. Having shown his real powers he learns the doctor said diet a week instead of die in a week. PUBLICITY PAYS (M., H.S.) 1 Reel Jimmy Jump's young wife goes in strongly for amateur theatricals. After one of her performances a theatre manager signs her up. He opens a publicity campaign by having her appear in public in spectacular costumes, with a monkey for a pet. The monkey gets away and Jimmy is elected to capture it. When peace once more descends upon them, the young wife decides to give up her career and devote her time to Jimmy. APRIL FOOL (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Everyone at the office, from the office boy to the boss, tries the time honored April First jokes on Jimmy Jump. When he tries to pull the same gags he gets into trouble with his boss and his sweetheart. YOUNG OLDFIELD (M., H.S.) 1 Reel Jimmy Jump spends his time dreaming that he has beaten Barney Oldfield, instead of paying attention to business. When the rent comes due, his mother goes to pay it off and finds she has left the cash box at the store. Jimmy undertakes to get it there in time, but so many things happen to the car that his dream almost comes true. WHY HUSBANDS GO MAD (M., H.S.) 1 Reel When the wife buys a bulldog for her husband's birthday present and has a special key made for the room in which she keeps it, trouble begins. Her husband finds the key, and his suspicions are aroused. He storms about and makes trouble for all concerned until he learns that a dog, not a man, is behind the closed door. WHY MEN WORK (M., H.S., J.) 1 Reel Jimmy is janitor in the office of a motion picture company. When the cameraman is discharged Jimmy is sent out to take a picture of the Governor, who is touring the state. Jimmy gets one brief shot of the Governor and everything else on the horizon. He begs his irate bosses to give him another chance, orders ten miles of film and goes out again — this time in a motorcycle. When he returns after a strenuous day, it is learned that he forgot to put any film in his camera. But the prettiest stenographer loves him, so Jimmy isn't worried. OUTDOOR PAJAMAS (M., H.S.) 1 Reel The hour for Jimmy Jump's wedding comes and passes and his fiance sits on the church steps while her irate father searches for the missing bridegroom. Jimmy, meanwhile, has overslept, and upon arising, sees from his window a pretty girl and a runaway pony. He goes to the rescue and adventure leads him further and further from the altar before he is found by his prospective father-in-law and an equally incensed brother and husband of the lady in whose home the frantic Jimmy has sought refuge. BUNGALOW BOOBS (M., H.S.) 1 Reel Jimmy Jump brings his bride to the new bungalow home, selected and furnished by him — a procedure we pause to remark, that few modern brides would permit All the neighbors come to call that first evening. The man next door is a builder who considers the construction of Jimmy's bungalow far below par. To emphasize his point he pulls down pillars, pokes holes in the floor and uproots the plumbing. When the guests depart the new house is a wreck. ACCIDENTAL ACCIDENTS (M., H.S.) 1 Reel A slapstick comedy in which Jimmy Jump demonstrates that a day can be entirely taken up with accidents of a ludicrous nature. ALL WET (J., H.S., M.) 1 Reel Jimmy gets a telegram asking him to meet a litter of puppies on a certain train. He starts gaily off in his car, but stops to assist a man stuck in the mud. As a consequence, he gets stuck himself — and after spending many valuable hours trying to get out, he gets to the train to find he is one day early. ROYAL RAZZ (J., H.S., M.) 1 Reel Jimmy buys a Christmas tree for his eleven-months-old son and takes it home in a trolley car. The young father is not very popular with that part of the public that is using the car as a means of transportation. On Christmas Eve Jimmy dresses up as