Catalogue of Pathépictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups (1925)

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PATHEPICTURES 31 Hal Roach Comedies STARRING ARTHUR STONE WHY LANDLORDS LIVE (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Arthur Stone poses for a mechanical man, made by an old Professor, who lives in the same boarding house. The landlord comes for the rent, and in order to pay it, Stone gets a job in a pawnshop. The Professor brings the mechanical man to be pawned. In the meantime, the landlord discovers that the Professor is being offered fifty thousand for it, so he buys the pawn ticket and rushes off to redeem the mechanism. Stone substitutes for it and the landlord gets what he deserves. THE SKY PLUMBER (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Arthur Stone is a country lad living on a farm, where it has not rained for months. Everyone is desperate when a traveling man comes by who proves he can make rain. In a rash moment he abandons his tools and Stone experiments. He starts with an ordinary storm and ends up with a cyclone, which carries everything with it, including Stone and his girl. JUST A GOOD GUY (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Arthur Stone keeps his father's country store in a small town. He is ambitious to get on, so his father sends him to his Uncle in the city. Uncle gives him, as his first job, the task of collecting the rents, which are over-due. In spite of his good intentions, the rent collector gets everything but the rent. CHANGE THE NEEDLE (M., H.S.) 2 Reels This comedy that has for its setting a victrola factory and, for its theme, the vicissitudes of a maker of records, is amusing and original. ARE BLONDE MEN BASHFUL? (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Arthur Stone is a poor country boy in love with the farmer's daughter, but his rival owns a summer hotel, and is, therefore, favored by her father. Stone and the girl fix up a flower with a bulb of water on one end. They try the contraption on the father and rival with disasterous results to everyone, including themselves. Hal Roach Comedies STARRING GLENN TRYON AND BLANCHE MEHAFFEY MEET THE MISSUS (M., H.S.) 2 Reels Tryon and his young wife live happily but simply, sharing work and play. Tryon's boss passes their house, sees their peace and domesticity and invites himself to dinner. The young couple try to impress him and everything goes wrong, until the boss leaves in disgust. THE GOOFY AGE (M., H.S.) 2 Reels A slapstick comedy with a thread of a plot. Glenn works in a bird store and his girl in a millinery shop next door. The girl's aunt is trying to force her into a rich marriage and the bird store owner suggests to Glenn that he get a Justice of the Peace and marry her first. Every time the Justice starts the ceremony there is an interruption, so the whole wedding party climbs on a hook and ladder wagon and the knot is tied during a mad dash through the streets.