Catalogue of Pathépictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups (1925)

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PATHEPICTURES 35 which spoils Mickey's trousers as well as his chances, as he is too much of a coward to fight. In the end he suddenly turns brave, licks his rival and dares any of the rest to come in. NO NOISE (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels Mickey is in the hospital having his tonsils out. The Gang go to visit him, and when they find he has ice cream every day they plan to get sick too. The doctors discover their plan and decide to scare them. This they succeed in doing, until the whole gang is thankful to leave. STAGE FRIGHT (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels A pseudo prince gives a lecture on the sorrows and needs of the Trombonians. A sympathetic lady writes a play in an hour and a benefit is arranged. Members of the Gang act in the play, which is made after the model of Quo Vadis. The Gang's rendition of the classic play proves a comedy with a laugh to a scene. SUNDAY CALM (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels Two of the Gang's parents decide to take them for a picnic on Sunday, and on the way they collect the rest of their particular group, much to the detriment of the picnic and the peace of mind of the grown-ups. TIRE TROUBLE (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels The Gang rigs up an old flivver for their own use. They discover that the little boys in a fashionable dancing school are going to Emerald Beach for a picnic so they decide they will go too. They all try to get tickets from the other boys, who appeal to the policeman. The Gang flees, taking refuge in a rich man's home. The rich man is supposed to be ill but he is so interested in the Gang that he decides to take them to the beach. His wife is out in his car, so he starts out in the rehabilitated flivver. The events that follow in rapid succession cause the gentleman to forget the existence of doctors, nurses and medicine chests. He has some difficulty in convincing his wife of his recovery when she arrives in frantic pursuit. DERBY DAY (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels The Gang is running a hot dog stand at the races. They get so excited that they decide to stage a race of their own. The contest brings forth every description of animal and tricycle. In the second round the "steeds" rebel so the race turns into a marathon which Farina wins. BIG BUSINESS (M., H.S.) 2 Reels When the Gang opens a barber shop, various members become willing victims to the immediate and urgent demand for patronage and emerge with fearsome and wonderful haircuts. Mickey's mother effects for him the Lord Fauntleroy style of her own youth, in spite of opposition from Mickey and his father. The Gang see Mickey and he is speedily shorn of his golden locks. Mickey's mother, and the mothers of the other members of the gang hold an impromptu indignation meeting at the new barber shop, but Mickey's father is so delighted that he fixes up things to the satisfaction of everybody. THE BUCCANEERS (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels The Gang decides to do a little modern buccaneering so they borrow a boat and take Mary along for cook. They attract the attention of a U. S. battleship by flying the pirate flag a»d the adventure ends with the amateur sea robbers being sent home to their mothers. COMMENCEMENT DAY (M., H.S., J.) 2Retls When Commencement Day comes each member of the Gang is scrubbed and dressed in his best for the great day. But trouble awaits the immaculate ones on each corner and they reach the school house in such damaged condition that their own mothers hardly know them. CRADLE ROBBERS (M., H.S., J.) 2 Reels When Mary's little brother wins fourth prize at the Baby Show, the members of the Gang get the babies in their various families and hurry to enter them. They are too late but when they learn that no award has been made for the fattest baby, they dress up the fat member of the Gang and substitute him for the regular entry. He grows restless and escapes, pursued by a policeman and a surprised and anxious mother. Then the Gang hold a baby show of their own, but Farina opens a bottle of ammonia driving exhibits and caretakers out in the open. They take refuge in a passing gipsy wagon whose innocent owner is accused of kidnapping the children. JUBILO, JR. (J., H.S., M., Ch.) 2 Reels Will Rogers tells two brother hoboes a story of his youth, through a flashback to that