Catalogue of Victor Records (1936)

Record Details:

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VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS THE LANDOWSKA RECORDS No. Size Price Bourrée D’Auvergne (Folk Tune) Arr. Landowska 1423 10 $1.50 Coucou, Le Daquin 1423 10 1.50 Don Juan—Minuet } Mozart 1199 10 1.50 Gavotte in G Minor Bach 1599 10 1.50 Harmonious Blacksmith Handel _ | 193 10 1.50 Tambourin, Le (Rameau) (2) Le Coucou—Rondo Daquin 1199 10 1.50 Turkish March Mozart 1193 10 1.50 Wolseys Wilde Byrd 1599 10 1.50 LAPHAM, CLAUDE, Conductor—See Victor Symphony Orchestra LASHANSKA, HULDA, Soprano (Lah-shan'-skah) Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee) Queen Liliuokalani 1235 10 1.50 Ave Maria Schubert 7778 12 2.00 Du bist die Ruh’ (Op. 59, No. 3) Schubert 7778 12 2.00 Du, du liegst mir im Herzen (You Live in My Heart) Ger. (Pax) é with Reimers 1746 10 1.50 Komm Siisser Tod (Come Sweet Death) (Bach) with Chorus 7085 12 2.00 Ma Curly-headed Babby (Plantation Song) Clutsam 1334 10 1.50 Merry Widow—Vilia Ross-Lehér 1119 10 1.50 Merry Widow—Waltz (I Love You So) Ross-Lehér 1119 10 1.50 Nightingale Song (from ““The Tyrolean’’) Rickar-Zeller 1235 10 1.50 Sapphische Ode (Sapphic Ode) (Brahms) with Chorus 7085 12 -2.00 Silent Night, Holy Night (Gruber) with Reimers 1748 10 1.50 Standchen—Serenade (Schubert) with Reimers 1752 10 1.50 Still wie die Nacht (Calm As the Night) (Bohm) with Reimers 1752 10 1.50 Sweetest Story Ever Told Stults 1334 10 1.50 Tannenbaum, Der (The Christmas Tree) Jn German with Reimers 1748 10 1.50 Treue Liebe—Ach. wie ist’s médglich dann (Kiicken) with Reimers 1746 10 1.50 Wiegenlied (Cradle Song) (Brahms) with Chorus 7085 12 2.00 LASKINE, LILY, Harpist—See ‘‘Moyse and Laskine” LAUBENTHAL, RUDOLPH, Tenor Meistersinger—Griiss’ Gott, mein Junker!—Mein Freund, in holder Jugendzeit Wagner 7427 12 2.00 SiegfrieI—Ewig war ich, Ewig bin ich—O Siegfried! Dein war ich von je! (Wagner) (Incl. in Album M-83) with Leider 9814 12 1.50 Siegfried—Heil dir, Sonne! (Wagner) (Incl. in Album M-83) with Leider 9813 12 1.50 Also on Records 9465-9467 in Gétterdammerungz”’ Album M-60 LAUDER, SIR HARRY, Comedian (Law’-der) Breakfast in Bed on Sunday Morning Grafton-Lauder 9021 12 1.50 End of the Road Dillon-Lauder 9024 12 1.50 I Love a Lassie Lauder 9012 12 1.50 Loch Lomond (Old Scotch Air) 9295 12 1.50 Roamin’ in the Gloamin’ Lauder 9012 12 1.50 Scotch Memories Lauder 9295 12 1.50 There is Somebody Waiting for Me (Sea Song) Lauder 9022 12 1.50 Wee Deoch an’ Doris, A Grafton-Lauder 9021 12 1.50 Wee Hoose ’Mang the Heather, The Wells-Elton-Lauder 9022 12 1.56 When I Meet MacKay Lauder 9024 12 1.50 LAURI-VOLPI, GIACOMO, Tenor (Loh-ree-VoAl’-pee) Carmen—Air de la Fleur (Flower Song) Bizet 7389 12 2.00 Faust—Salut demeure (All Hail, Thou Dwelling Lowly) Gounod 7389 12 2.00 LAWRENCE, MARJORIE, Soprano Salomé—Ah, j’ai baisé ta bouche R. Strauss 8683 Salomé—Et ta langue, elle ne remue plus R. Strauss 8632 Salomé—Oh, pourquoi ne m’as-tu pas regardée R. Strauss 8683 Salomé—Tu n’as pas voulu R. Strauss 8682 NPWNN bo ° Oo