Catalogue of Victor Records (1927)

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scar on her arm. She is restored to her rank, but continues to meet Thaddeus secretly, Bo until the lovers are denounced to the Count by the jealous Queen. The Count is at first =~ indignant, but the pleading of his daughter, and the knowledge that Thaddeus is of noble birth reconciles him to the union of the lovers. ACT IIl—a Gypsy CAMP NEAR PRESBURG * I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls—Garrison and Nightingale—Garrison| 641\10|1.50 ACT II —a HaLL IN THE COUNT’S PALACE * Then You'll Remember Me—McCormack and Ben Bolt—McCormack| 747)10\1.50 eo Weevil, The, (Sandburg) Carl art SO1aEH GTS Negro Spirituals (Sandburg) Carl Sandburg ; pone ob Trot Waring’s Penney eninns) 20146|10! .75 Her Beaus Are Only Rainbows—Fox Trot Waring’s Pennsylvanians 2 — {Boome Maggie Tamson (Lauder) Sir Harry eee 551201121 1.50 Wee Deoch an’ Doris Sir Harry Lauder 3 re pees Wee Thing (Burns-Lehmann) John oma a 895) 1011.50 My Wild Irish Rose (Chauncey Olcott) John McCormack : BOOK OF THE OPERA—tThe new and complete rewritten Seventh Edition We enjoy Grand Opera more when we know more about it, and in all the literature of music we know of no other publication which gives so definite an insight into the subject as does the “Victrola Book of the Opera.” Not only is the story of the plot given, but aria, duet, trio, or whatever it may be, is usually noted in its proper place, so that with this book and the necessary Victor records one may actually get a better understanding of the subject at home than by attending actual performances. The “Victrola Book of the Opera”’ is a volume of over four hundred pages. It contains the story and the dramatic action of practically every opera which has survived the test of time, and is handsomely bound in cloth and stamped in gold. The book may be procured from any dealer in Victor products. If, however, he is unable to supply you, information regarding it including the price, may be had by addressing the Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, N. J. A copy of this volume should be in every school, music club, conservatory of music and in the private library of all those who possess an active interest in good music; and it is, of course, extremely valuable to the Actual Size 6 x 83% music teacher. (Rooks (Kipling-Felman) Reinald Eons} anaes 12/2 00 Gunga Din (Kipling-Spross) Reinald Werrenrath \ {Boots Recitation (Kipling) Taylor Lalas EET ag ne Gunga Din Recitation (Kipling) Taylor Holmes a BORDONI, iRENE, Comedienne Do I Love You 19966 | That Means Nothing 19966 | BOR], LUCREZIA, Soprano (Boh’ -ree) —See Red Seal Section *Indicates old acoustical method of recording.