Catalogue of Victor Records (1930)

Record Details:

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een a ee aT a” Nemer [RISE Number | |S 5 VICTOR RECORDS ennadat’ Al (Gras y Elias-Alvarez) In Spanish eae * { A la Luz de la Luna (Anton-Michelena) Spanish de eee puss | aoe ore (Farewell, My Granada) (Barrera) In Spanish gob 1182) 1011.50 Princesita (Little Princess) (Palomero-Padilla) In Spanish Seat GRANADOS, ENRIQUE (1869-1916) Goyescas 6635 | Spanish Dance 1311 Grande Paque Russe— Overture (Russian Festival of High ia, Orch| Part 1 (Rimsky-Korsakow, Op. 36) Stokowski-Phila. Greh| Grande Paque Russe—Overture—Part 2 Stokowski-Philadelphia Orch eae Paque Russe—Overture (RimskyKorsakow, Op. 36)—Part _ 7018} 12|2.00 Stokowski-Philadelphia Orchestra Grande Paque Russe—Overture—Part 4 Stokowski-P hiladelphia Orch er s Clock with Organ and Guitar Billy Boy with Guitar eae Is Jehovah (Schubert) Williams-Mormon Tab. car The Lost Chord Pipe Organ The Organ of the Mormon Reet al Judgment Morning (Shaddock-Pickett) Bolen rarer Mother’s Prayers Have Followed Me (De Armond-Ackley) eet GREEN BROS., MARIMBA ORCHESTRA—See Dance Records 7019} 12|2.00 Frank esa Frank en 19945)10)5-72 35760|12)1.25 35857|12)1.25 Gretchen am Spinnrade (At the Spinning-Wheel) German Jenin 6704|12/2.00 Erlkénig (The Erlking) (Schubert) In German neo Club March (Sousa) Sousa’s panes Pride of the Wolverines—March Sousa’s Boat GRIEG, EDVARD HAGRUP (Greeg) (1843-1907) See also ‘‘Peer Gynt’’ Maria rey 20276|10| .75 Album Leaf 1413 | Lyric Suite 9073, 9074 Puck 6848 Concerto, Album M-24 Norwegian Bridal Sonata in C Minor (9151-9154) AM-24 Procession 20805 M-45 (8112-8114) (9378-938 | Norwegian MounAM-45 (8106-8108) Heart Wounds 4022 tain March 20151 Triumphal March 35763 Last Spring 9129 Papillon 21012 GRISELLE, THOMAS—Winner of the First Prize Award Two American Sketches 36000 GROODY, LOUISE and KING, CHARLES—Sometimes I’m Happy GRUNER, WILLIAM, Bassoon—Hungarian Fantasie 20525 GUARANY (Gomez) Overture—Part I and Part 11—Creatore’s Band|35935|12/1. 25 Ballata and Lakmé—Ou Va la Jeune ¢ Hindoue—Sofia Del Campo| 9394/}12)|1.50 Gentile di Cuore (Sweetheart) and Manon Lescaut (Auber) Del Campo| 4037/|10}1.00 * Sento una forza indomita—Caruso-Destinn /talian and Duca D’ Alba—Angelo-Caruso! 6355)12|2.00 GUITAR RECORDS—See “‘Ferera-Paaluhi,” ‘‘Frederick-Mason,”’ ‘*Giannelli,”’ “‘Segovia,”’ ‘‘Sprague’’ and ‘“‘Turner’”’ 20609 Reinald Werrenrath oes Din (Kipling-Spross) Boots (Kipling-Felman) Reinald Wenntreaths 6583|1212.00 GUNSKY, MAURICE J., Tenor Break the News 20376 Let Me Call You That Haunting W. 2030) Consolation 20236 Sucathnartl 20428 There'll Always Be Desert Son 21342 Most of All 20301 Room for You 21232 Girl of My ean 21246 Old Guitar and an Those Songs My I’m Waiting for Old Refrain 21232 Mother Used to Ships 21246 Ramona 21342 Sing 20748 Just as the Sun 20376 Song of Songs 20748 Why Do I Always Lay My Head 20051 Take This Rose 20236 Remember 2005) GUSIKOFF, MICHEL, Violinist Souvenir Poetique 19892 | To a Wild Rose 19892 Gute Nacht (Good-Night) See ‘‘Winterreise”’ (Zigeunerweisen) (de Sarasate, Op. 20) Heifetz Gypsy Airs No. 1 x { Gypsy Airs No. 2 (Zigeunerweisen) (de Sarasate, Op. 20) eat 6153/12/2.00 {Gypsy and the Bird, The (Oxenford-Benedict) English Gallioe 12671 1011.50 Parla! Valse (Oh, Speak) (Arditi) Italian Amelita Galli-Curci : «Indicates old acoustical method of recording.