Victor records (1924)

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% VICTOR RECORDS Number | é 3 ies the Hill to Ardenteny (Lauder) Sir Harry Lanes 551381121 1.50 0’ I’m Going to Marry ’Arry on the 5th of January Lauder : — ocr of the Day March (Hall) Pryor’s pene} ie3sellol 75 King Cotton March (Sousa) Pryor’s Band. ; {recee of the Day March (Hall) Victor Military paca 3528411211.25 King Cotton March (For School Marching) (Sousa) Victor Band : foe to Philadelphia (Old Irish Melody) Wilfred Fane 7a4s/toleye Wearing of the Green (Old Irish) William F. Hooley : ‘a in the Stilly Night (Moore-Stevenson) Christine ea FA iia Calm as the Night (Carl Bohm) Christine Miller ; are in the Stilly Night (Thomas Moore) Reinald yy Or aeaa at eres iitee Good-Bye (Tosti) Reinald Werrenrath lever t O’HARA, GEOFFREY, Tenor Mr. O'Hara is a Canadian composer who has produced a number of excellent compositions, and is also himself a singer. One of his compositions is ‘‘ Your Eyes Have Told Me,” of which a record was made by Caruso. A highly interesting work in which Mr. O'Hara has been engaged is the conservation of the music of our American Indians, to which enterprise he was appointed by Secretary of the Interior Lane. He spent some time among the Navajos in Anzona, who are the richest in treasures of Indian music, encouraging them to sing, and taking down their melodies note by note on paper. omomrene a O'HARA RECORDS 0’ HARA Navajo Indian Songs 17635 | Parodies of the Camp 18451 | Soldier's Day, A 1845} (or By Jingo! (Lew Brown-A. Von Tilzer) Margaret Were! iacecilons Profiteering Blues (Al. Wilson-Irving Bibo) Billy Murray ‘ ‘a Fair, Oh Sweet and Holy (Heine-Cantor) Lambert ures assieitoleed Muarmuring Zephyr (Jensen, Op. 2/) Lambert Murphy : {op for the Wings of a Dove (‘Hear My Prayer”) Lucy Naren 55053112/1.50 Messiah—I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Handel) Lucy Marsh : ‘ee Frenchy! (Ehrlich-Conrad) Arthur F rare isesstioles OA! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning Arthur Fields : hey God, Our Helpin Ages Past (Watts-Croft) Trinity Male Saat 18897|10| .75 Mighty Fortress is Our God (Luther) Trinity Male Choir : {on Happy Day _ (Vivian-Goetz) Elsie Baker and F. A tad 17343/10| .75 Long, Long Ago (Bayly) Elsie Baker ; or How I Hate That Fellow Nathan (Brown-Von Tilzer) pues 453031 1011.00 I’m An Indian (Merrill-Edwards) Fanny Brice : ers How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning (Berlin) Fields\ 18489 10] .75 Oh! Frenchy! (Ehrlich-Conrad) Arthur Fields} | ; ioe How She Lied to Me_ (White-Donaldson) plurrey omaue| 19188|10| .75 What Do You Do Sunday, Mary? (‘‘Poppy’’) American Quartet : Oh, Italia, Italia, Beloved (Donizetti) Victor Chorus} | { Gypsy Life (Schumann) Lyric Quarter} 35254 ZF ae Joy (In Fox Trot Tempo) (Schroeder) Piano Duet Aen Ohman sans 10| «75 Saturday (In Fox Trot Tempo) (Brooks) Piano Duet Arden-Ohman} | i eae Little Town of Bethlehem (Christmas Hymn) Trinity seit 3559411211.25 Angels from the Realms of Glory (Christmas Hymn) — Trinity Choir ; Oh, Lord, Most Holy (Franz Abt) Trinity Choir) { Calvary (Vaughan-Rodney) Elsie Bt 17 ea C