Victor records (1925)

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VICTOR RECORDS , ae Number | BOHEME. Lake RECORDS—Continued ACT IV—sameE As act I Ah, Mimi, tu pid (Mimi, False One) Caruso and Scotti and Forzo—Duet) 8000/12) 2.50 | 1 | Size List pre. Ah, Mimi, tu pit—Murphy-Werrenrath and Faust Trio—V. Opera Trio 45182 10 Vecchia zimarra (Farewell, Old Coat!) Journet and Martha—Journet| 698 10 MISCELLANEOUS BOHEME RECORDS Selection—Pryor’s Band and Jolly Robbers Overture (Suppe) Pryor’s Band 35077)12) 1.25 Selection—Vessella’s Band and Madame Butterfly Fantasia— Cello—Bourdon|35353) 12) 1.25 BOHEME, LA (Venice, 1897) (Leoncavallo) Leoncavallo’s setting of Miirger’s story was written several years after the production of Puccini's opera, and differs slightly from the latter version. The first act occurs in the Café Momus, the second in Musetta’s house, the third in Marcel’s garret, and the fourth in the studio of Rudolph. Unlike the Puccini work, the tenor part is given to Marcel. RECORDS OF LEONCAVALLO’S BOHEME | Il non ho che una povera stanzetta (I Have Only a Little Room) (Marcello’s Air, Act II) Jn Iéalian—Caruso and Bohéme—Testa adorata (Adored One!) (Act III) In Italian—Caruso| 6012/12/|2.00 {eoncmen Cradle Song (From ‘‘Hubicka””) (Smetana) In English ant 652 10 1.50 Song of the Chimes (Cradle Song) (Worrell) Gluck | | | ; Bohemian Fantasie (Fr. Smetana) Véiolin Fritz Kreisler) { Chanson—Meéditation (Cottenet) Violin Fritz ust | 6188 bg 2200 BOHEMIAN GIRL (The records are sung in English) This popular ballad opera was one of fifteen similar works by Michael Wm. Balfe (1808) and was produced at Drury Lane, London, in 1843. The story tells of the kidnapping of Arline, daughter of the Count Arnheim, by Devilshoof, a gypsy chief. Thaddeus, a young noble banished from his country, joins the gypsy band and falls in love with Arline. While the gypsies are attending a fair at Presburg, Arline, now a beautiful maiden of 17, incurring the displeasure of the Gypsy ‘Queen, is accused of stealing and is taken before Count Arnheim, who recognizes his daughter by a scar onherarm. She is restored to her rank, but continues to meet Thaddeus secretly, until the lovers are denounced to the Count by the jealous Queen. The Count is at first indignant, but the pleading of his daughter, and the knowledge that Thaddeus is of noble birth, reconciles him to the union of the lovers. ACT I—sgsTaTE OF COUNT ARNHEIM | Overture—Pryor’s Band and La Czarine Mazurka (Ganne) Pryor’s Band|16287 10 75 ACT IIl—a cypsy CAMP NEAR PRESBURG | I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls—Garrison and Nightingale—Garrison| 641 1011.50 I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls—Wheeler and Then You'll Remember—James| 16398 10| .75 Heart Bow’d Down and Love’s Old Sweet Song—Whitehill| 6307 12/|2.00 Heart Bow’d Down and Faust—-Even the Bravest Heart—Werrenrath|55079 12)1.50 ACT II —a HacLu IN THE COUNT’S PALACE Then You'll Remember Me—McCormack and Ben Bolt—McCormack| 747 10)1.50 Then You'll Remember Me—James and J Dreamt I Dwelt—Wheeler| 16398 10| .75 MISCELLANEOUS BOHEMIAN GIRL RECORDS Melodies—*‘Then You’ll Remember Me’ and “I Dreamt-I Dwelt in Marble Halis”’ and Serenade—Good-Night, Beioved—McKee Trio 18190 10; .75 GEMS FROM BOHEMIAN GIRL—Part I Victor Opera Company horus, “Away to Hill can Glen’’—Solo, “‘ | Dreamt | Dwelt in Marble Halls’’—Solo, ‘* Heart Bow'd Down’’— Mixed Quartet, ““Silence, the Lady, Moon’’—Solo, *‘Fair Land of Poland’ "—Chorus, “‘Happy ‘and Light"’ 35603) 12/|1.25 GEMS FROM BOHEMIAN GIRL—Part II Victor Opera Company Chorus, “‘In the Gypsy’ 8 Life’ ee and Chorus, ‘ ‘Come with the Gypsy Bride’ —Sslo, “Bliss Forever Past’ Nets “What is the Spell’’—Solo, “Then You'll Remember Me’—“Finale”’ Selection of Favorite Airs and Yelva Overture—Pryor’s Band 35081 12'1.25