Victor records (1925)

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VICTOR RECORDS Number | = 3 Break Thou the Bread of Life Trinity Quartet Br Day is Dying in the West Trinity Chat ees. — (marcas of the Night—Waltz (Lamothe) Pryor’s Bane} etre ole7s Ivanhoe—Two-Step (Van Alstyne) Pryor’s Band ‘ (Renee Big Hosses, De—Temperance Song (withCho. ) Bore cee 1745510 .75 The Old-Fashioned Faith (McAuley-Ackley) | Homer Rodeheaver ; BREWSTER, GEORGE, Tenor—See “‘Closer to Jesus’? and “Drifting” BRICE, FANNY, Comedienne Becky is Back 45323 My Man 45263 Second Hand Rose 45263 I’m An Indian 45303 Oh, How I Hate 45303 Sheik of Avenue B 45323 Bridal Chorus—Lohengrin—See “‘Lohengrin”’ lene Chorus (‘Rose Maiden”) (Cowen) Victor Mixed Chorus} 35209 121 25 Miller’s Wooing (Goddard-Faning) Victor Mixed Chorus . Bridal Dawn (Taylor-Martin) John McCormack | { When (Earl Benham) John Seca AOS BRIDAL MUSIC—Sec “Wedding Music’’ Bridal Rose Overture (Lavallée) Accordion Pietro { Stradella Overture (Flotow) Accordion Bet eal Babes {Brice of the Waves (Clarke) Cornet Herbert L. ane Veigdlionys Nightingale and the Frog (Eilenberg) Piccolo Clement Barone : Bridge, The (Carew) Peerless Quartet { Old Oakei Bucket (Woodworth) Peerless Seah toe ae {Brighten the Corner Where You Are _ (Gabriel) Ae ae 17763|10| .75 I Walk With the King (Revival Hymn) (Rowe-Ackley) Rodeheaver ; fer eae Days Gavotte (Broustet) Bell Solo Wm. et 16428] 10! .75 Dream After the Ball (Michaelis) Xylophone Wm. Reitz : fees Moon—Waltz Hawaiian Guitars Ferera-F aa, 190881101 .75 Hawaiian Nights—Waltz Hawaiian Guitars Ferera-Franchini ; eenen Moon—Russian Folk Song Kirilloff’s Balalaika Osh} 73153\10| .75 Song of the Volga Boatmen Kirilloff’s Balalaika Orchestra j Brindisi—See ‘‘Hamlet,” “‘Lucrezia,’’ “Otello,” ‘“‘Traviata’”’ {Bring Back My Bonnie to Me _ (with Orpheus Qt) Alma Glace 661/10/1.50 \ Carmena—Vocal Waltz (Walton-Wilson) Alma Gluck : (pee Back My Bonnie to Me—College Air Criterion oa igiosiiol .75 Owl and the Pussy Cat (De Koven) Hayden Quartet , (ae Back My Lena to Me Maurice pup er oe 16994|101 275 Schneider, Does Your Mother Know You’re Out ? (Yodel Song) Watson ; ee Back that Old-Fashioned Waltz—Waltz Chapman’s on 19310\T0| .75 Adoration Waltz The Troubadours ; Bring Back Those Rock-a-bye Baby Days rice | 9465 10! .75 { My Best Girl (Walter Donaldson) Georgie Price . (Breas in the Sheaves (Minor) Trinity Mixed ee 19279 10| .75 Yield Not to Temptation (H.R. Palmer) Edgar Kiefer) | ; pany Home the Bacon—Fox Trot The pee 19334110] .75 Shine—Fox Trot (Mack-Brown-Dabney) The Virginians) 9 BRITISH ARMY BUGLE CALLS—See “Nat’] and Pat. Airs —Gt. Britain” vena Bulldog’s Watching at the Door Sir Harry Pauder\i45o13 10|1.00 Jean MacNiell—Scotch Specialty Sir Harry Lauder) : BRITISH PATRIOTIC AIRS—See “‘Nat’l and Pat. Airs—Great Britain”,