Victor records (1925)

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VICTOR RECORDS Number | 5/3 £ (eecneaaees Polka (Noc po Slubie) Accordion Jan Manat 726021101 .75 Talisman of Good Luck (Talisman Szczescia)—Waltz Wanat | , een of Sandy McNab Sir Harry Lauder 55117/12|1.50 Nanny (I Never Loved Another Lass But You) Sir Harry Lauder fencing of the Rose—Intermezzo (Léon Jessel) Conway’s Band 17476|10|..75 Rendez-vous—Intermezzo (The Trysting Place) Victor Concert Orch ; {ceca ne of the Sunshine and the Rose Ee 47913110! .75 M-o-t-h-e-r (A Word That Means the World to Me) Henry Burr ccsane of the Winds—Waltz (Hall) Accordion greta 17865 10! .75 Estudiantina Waltz (Emil Waldteufel) Accordion Pietro . { eeseune o’ Lauchie McGraw Sir Harry anes 55128|1211.50 Rob Roy MaclIntosh—Scotch Specialty Sir Harry Lauder ace Don’t Get Much Money, But We Have a Lot of Fun a aaa 18s .75 Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo Billy Murray-Ed Smalle ‘ Rides: Deoch an’ Doris (Lauder) Sir Harry Laudes | 551201 1211.50 Bonnie Maggie Tamson (Lauder) Sir Harry Lauder : Wee Hoose ’Mang the Heather (Lauder-Wells-Elton) By Sir Harry Lauder and Roamin’ in the Gloamin’—Lauder| 45209) 10| 1.00 By Sir Harry Lauder and Roamin’ in the Gloamin’—Lauder|55129|12|1.50 (ees, Jean MacGregor—Scotch Specialty Sir Harry Sa nea Tait0l1/00 Killiecrankie—Scotch Specialty Sir Harry Lauder) | ; WEEMS, TED, AND HIS ORCHESTRA Big Boy ' 19344 My Gal Sal 19287 | Somebody Stole Blue Rose 19274 Nine O’Clock Sal 19258 My Gal 19212 Covered Wagon Days 19212 Red Nose Pete 19377 | Traveling Blues 19496 Dear One 19491 Savannah 19344 | Who Wants Bad Boy 19424 Don’t Forget 19274 Smile Will Go a I’m All Broken Up 19286 Long Way 19258 {ee No More My Mammy—Fox Trot (Pollack) Whiteman’s >} 9 Rane 10 .75 April Showers—Fox Trot (Silvers) W hiteman’s Orch | : {Weeping Willow Lane (Keith) Henry Burr-Frank Gherten| s 609 10) .75 When I’m Gone You'll Soon Forget Peerless Quartet WELLS, JOHN*BARNES, Tenor Mr. Wells, who is a native of Pennsylvania, first became known as a singer while at Syracuse University, where he took a prominent part in the musical life of the college. On his graduation he was secured by the Brick Presbyterian Church of East Orange, always noted for its fine choir. New York soon discovered Mr. Wells, and he was promptly captured by the Madison Avenue M. E. Church, when his concert career may be said to have begun he audiences who hear this singer are always in complete sympathy with him, not only because of his lovely WELLS voice and the charm of his singing, but because of the clearness of his enunciation, which enables every word to be heard, and these unusual qualities are fully apparent in the numbers he has sung for the Victor. WELLS RECORDS Boat Song 17693 | Mammy’s Song 17039 | Rosary 17234 Joy of the Morning 17693 Memories 17968 | Sweet Genevieve 16440 Long Agoin Alcala 18062 Owl, (2) Crow’sEgg, etc. 18062 WELSH SONGS—See also “All Through the Night” Aberystwyth 72813 Mentra Gwen 867 Y Deryn Pur 870 Bydd Myrdd O 72813 O Na Byddai’n 74181 Yn iach i ti Gumri 870 Gypsies’ Laughing Ch.72812 Rhyfelgyrch Gwyr 72812