Victor records (1928)

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i VICTOR RECORDS “Number |= 2 MIGNON (Meen-yon’) (Paris, 1866) (Ambroise Thomas) Sung in French r Opera in three acts; text by Barbier and Carre, based upon Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister; —— music by Ambroise Thomas. First production, Paris, 1866; London, 1870; N. Y., 1872. Overture—Part I and Part 11—Stock-Chicago Symphony Orchestra| 6650!12!2.00 * Connais-tu le pays? (Knowest Thou the Land?) and Mighty Lak’ a Rose—Farrar-Kreisler| 8024 12|2.50 Intermezzo (Gavotte) Florentine Quartet and Narcissus (Nevin) Florentine Qt 20443 10) .75 Polonaise—Je suis Titania (I’m Fair Titania) and Mireille—Luella Melius| 6627|12|2.00 Polonaise—Je suis Titania and Tales of Hoffman—Les oiseaux—Talley| 6713 12|2.00 * Polonaise (lo son Titania) Jn Italian and Romeo—Valse—Galli-Curci| 6133 12|2.00 * Gavotte (2) Dorothy and Moment Musicale Xylophone Reitz\1821610| .75 MIKADO (London, 1885) (Gilbert and Sullivan) Gems From ‘‘The Mikado’’—Part I Victor Light Opera Co. Quartet, “Behold the Lord High Executioner’’—Solo and Chorus, “The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring’—Women’s Trio, ‘‘Three Little Maids’’—Solo, “‘ Tit-Willow’’—Duet and Chorus, ‘‘He’s Gone and Married Yum Yum’’—Chorus, “‘ With Joyful Shout’’ Gems From ‘‘The Mikado’’—Part II Victor Light Opera Co. Chorus, “Gentlemen of Japan’’—Solo, “‘A Wandering Minstrel’’— Solo and Quartet, ““A Song of the Sea’’—Solo, ‘‘Moon Song”— Duet, “‘Emperor of Japan’’—Solo and Chorus, “‘My Object All | Sublime’’—Chorus. “‘We Do Not Heed”’ 35796 12)1.25 In this special series the entire work is recorded. The selections are numbered in accordance with their place in the opera. (Recorded in Europe under the direction of Rupert D’Oyly Carte.) No. 1—Overture—Part I[ Light Opera Orchestra No. 2—Overture—Part II Light Opera Orchestra No. 3—If You Want to Know Who We Are Derek Oldham with Chorus No. 4—A Wand’ring Minstrel I Derek Oldham with Chorus No. 5—Our Great Mikado George Baker and Chorus No. 6—Young Man, Despair Likewise to Go—L. Sheffield-Oldham-Baker (2) And Have I Journey’d for a Month Oldham-Sheffield No. 7—Behold The Lord High Executioner! (2) As Some Day It May Happen G. Baker and Chorus No. 8—Comes a Train of Little Ladies—Chorus of Girls (2) Three Little Maids from School E. Griffin-D. Hemingway-B. Elburn No. 9—So Please You Sir, We Much Regret—Mixed Quartet (2) Were You Not to Ko-Ko Plighted Griffin-Oldham No. 10O—I Am So Proud Sheffield-Ly tton-Baker No. 11—Finale—Act I, Part I—With Aspect Stern and Gloomy Stride Mixed Chorus No. 12—Finale—Act I, Part II—Your Revels Cease Lewis-Oldham-Davies-Elburn No. 13—Finale—Act I, Part II1I—Oh, Faithless One | Lewis-Oldham-Griffin-Chorus No. 14—Opening Chorus, Act II—Braid the Raven Hair Beatrice Elburn and Chorus of Girls No. 15—The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze Elsie Griffin No. 16—Madrigal—Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day Mixed Quartet No. 17—Here’s a How-De-Do!—Griffin-Oldham-Lytton (2) Mi-Ya-Sa-Ma Lewis-Fancourt and Chorus No. 18—A More Humane Mikado Never Did in Japan Exist Darrel Fancourt with Chorus No. 19—The Criminal Cried as He Dropped Him Down Davies-Lytton-Sheffield with Chorus No. 20—See How the Fates Their Gifts Allot—Mixed Quintet (2) The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Oldham-Lytton No. 21—Alone and Yet Alive—Bertha Lewis (2) Willow, Tit-Willow Henry A. Lytton No. 22—There is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast—Lewis-Lytton (2) Finale, Act [I— For He’s Gone and Married Yum-Yum Mixed Chorus MILLER, JIM—CHARLIE FARRELL—Singing Entertainers Hello Bluebird 20291 Moonbeam! Kiss Since I Found 20496 It Was Only a Her For Me 20496 Some Day You’ll Sun Shower 20906 No Wonder She’s Say “OK!’’ 20919 Just the Same 20612 a Blushing Bride 20291 That Day in June 20997 What Do We Do 20906 *Indicates old acoustical method of recording.