Celluloid : the film to-day (1931)

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APPENDIX 24I Valletti and Hans Albers. Adapted from the book " Professor Unrath " by Heinrich Mann. Distributed in England by Wardour Films. Cimarron. (American) Production Direction . Scenario Camera Design Sound Recordist Recording Apparatus 1930 Radio Pictures Wesley Ruggles Howard Estabrook Edward Cronjager Max Ree Clem Portman R.C.A. Photophone With Richard Dix as Yancey Cravat, Irene Dunne as Sabra Cravat, Estelle Taylor as Dixie Lee, and William Collier junior, as The Kid. Adapted from the book by Edna Ferber. City Lights. (American) 1928-31 Production . . Charles Chaplin Film Corporation Direction . . . Charles Chaplin Scenario . . . Charles Chaplin Camera . . . Henry Cronjager Design . . . Charles D. Hall Music . . . Charles Chaplin Recording Apparatus . Western Electric With Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill and Harry Myers. Distributed in England by United Artists. Drei von der Tan\stelle, Der. Production Direction . Supervision Scenario (German) 1930 Ufa Wilhelm Thiele Erich Pommer Franz Schultz and Paul Frank