Censored : the private life of the movie (1930)

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THE SAINTS AT WORK eliminate close view of dancers on yacht and title : 'Why are you working? Haven't you any pretty daughters — doll 'em up, a rich man wants his money's worth.' " Now that last title, ordered out, was spoken by a drunken young married woman who has obtained a husband by tricking him into thinking her a home-loving innocent child. She subsequently falls down the stairs and breaks her neck. She is speaking to a group of scrubwomen at the foot of the stairs. For some mysterious reason her statement, logical with her character, jarred the sensibilities of the Kansans. It is hard to understand just what is particularly evil in it, but then, after all, this is Kansas. The boys and girls had a good time with "Dry Martini," a gay and pleasing if light movie, taken from a book by that name not, so far as the records show, barred from the state of Kansas. The following deletions were ordered from this corrupting and filthy piece of celluloid : "Eliminate title: 'With the coming of the 47