Censored : the private life of the movie (1930)

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THE SAINTS AT WORK it could not be shown as a movie without censorship. In "The Body Punch" they cut scene showing a boy actually putting a brick in a prizefighter's glove. They demanded several changes in "The Noose." This movie was taken from a successful play. Richard Barthelmess did a splendid job, the titles were lifted verbatim from the play, yet it could not pass the board, and the very people who saw the play could not see a movie-ized version. They changed the title "One of those night clubs that is helping to make Sweet Adeline the National Anthem" (certainly an innocuous remark) to read "The capitol of a mid-western state and one of its first class night clubs!" And yet the Civil War was fought seventy years ago. They changed "When I get plenty of protection for you" to : "When I pave the road for you." They cut "The Racket" badly. They cut the title : "For the release of Nicholas Scarzi-signed by the Judge" so that "signed by the Judge" was eliminated. (Pennsylvania 69