Censored : the private life of the movie (1930)

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THE SAINTS AT WORK miles of film," says Director Wingate, "it is of course impossible for the Director personally to review all films submitted. His time is almost wholly taken up with administrative duties, travelling . . . and interviews with the producers and the public." Unfortunately, New Yorkers are denied the able criticism of the degreed head of the censor board. The actual cuts are made by the three reviewers who toil from 9 to 4 each day in 42nd Street to delete scenes likely to incite crime, sacrilege, or, as you will remember, to hurt the feelings of politicians. There is no discussion of the actual influence of the movie, of the difficult boundaries of art and morality, in the Director's report. He merely states that neither he, his board, nor the state troopers can review adequately the movies released in New York State. As they cannot even see all the movies one might well wonder how they expect their cuts to be consistent, important, or fair. The chief censor of New York State is not of the movies. He is a teacher. He is not as 75