Censored : the private life of the movie (1930)

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THE PLAY'S THE THING The Stage Broadway is the American theatre. Producers, actors, writers, all work within its drab environs. Today not one so-called legitimate theatre on Broadway houses a play ! They show talking movies. Reason: the movies own the theatres. They own such reputable and famous old firms as Daniel Frohman. They have movieized such famous theatres as The Globe. Therefore, with the American theatre, in so far as talent and theatres go, almost completely in the hands of the film corporations, censorship of the stage — which has never been attempted in open legal form since the American Revolution — is now at the door. The intelligentsia can look out of their windows and see the garbage truck unloading on their front doorstep. We are genuinely sorry for the few real patrons of the theatre. Never an easy career, they are up against stiff opposition. It is possible that 1932 will make it impossible for "An American Tragedy" or a "What 181