Charlie Chaplin (1951)

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cc 276 which he will have to look up to Hynkel; while, additionally, a bust of the Tomanian dictator will glower down at him. He will also have to enter from the far end of the room and have the embarrassment of walking the entire length toward Hynkel. Napaloni frustrates this plan by entering boisterously from behind Hynkel's desk, slapping him on the back and knocking him off his chair. When Napaloni is seated in the low chair he changes to a seat on the desk, scratches a match on the glowering bust, and outglowers him with an out-thrust of his chin and lower lip. The conference ends in the suggestion to take a shave together. In the barber chairs they compete for the higher position, raising their chairs higher and higher. As they hit the ceiling, Hynkel crashes down. At a military display in the stadium, only the spectators are shown. Passing tanks, planes, and other equipment are identified by their noises: Hynkel and Napaloni dispute whose planes are flying above them, and the spectators' heads are shown rotating together. As crashes are heard, Napaloni says, "You're right! They're yours." A ball in the palace. On the balcony Garbitsch and Hynkel discuss invasion plans. Hynkel will go duck hunting until the appointed time in order to avoid suspicion. Garbitsch urges Hynkel to dance with the plump and neglected Mme. Napaloni. "It will carry weight." "You mean / will carry weight." A comedy dance with Mme. Napaloni leading, and Hynkel bent back, etc. Hynkel and Napaloni decide to have a bite and talk things over in the buffet room. Over limburger and strawberries the two dictators argue and eat, with the text of the treaty between them. Comic business includes dousing of a flunkey with strawberries and whipped cream, tongue-cooling as they absentmindedly overdo the mustard, getting the treaty by mis