Charlie Chaplin (1951)

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"The Great Dictator" 277 take into a sandwich, tossing ingredients in the punch, not called for by any recipe, some tricks with rubber spaghetti, absent-minded turning of the conference into public harangues, both dictators haranguing in unison, threatening each other with platters of food, etc. Finally the treaty is signed. "After he removes his troops, we can move in without losing a man," Garbitsch whispers to Hynkel. The two dictators embrace. The barber and Schultz, escaped from the concentration camp, walk along a highway in uniform. Hynkel, in Tyrolean costume, is duck hunting nearby in a small boat. "Invasion of Austerlich, now or never," he mutters. "Ha, ha" calls a duck. Firing up at it, Hynkel loses his balance, falls overboard. Prison guards searching the woods find him, capture him, hit him over the head, and drag him off, demanding "Where's Schultz?" The two escaped men near the village of Pretzelburg. Troopers approach. The barber is taken for Hynkel. The troops line up and terrify the barber as they present arms. As the barber and Schultz are led into a car, they are told everything is under control. "Where are we going?" the barber timidly asks Schultz. When told, "You are invading Austerlich," he collapses. Tanks appear out of haystacks and the invasion starts. . . . "Ghettos are raided" . . . "property confiscated" . . . the son of a resisting storekeeper is shot. . . . Hannah on the farm is knocked down and troopers take possession. Austerlich thousands await the conqueror. "Your excellency, the world awaits your word." Drums beat as the barber, bowlegged and toes out, is led up the steps of the platform. Garbitsch and others wonder at Hynkel's strange appearance and Schultz's presence. They assume Schultz has been pardoned. The "conqueror's" chair collapses. When he is re