Cine-film projection : a practical manual for users of all types of 16-mm. (1952)

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B.S. 1488 : 1948 — Test Film for 16-mm. Cinematograph Projectors. B.S. 1522 : 1949 — Schedule of Projector Lamps. B.S. 1585 : 1949 — 16-mm Cinematograph Sound-on-film Release Prints. These are extracted from the Sectional List of British Standards on Cinematography and Photography — the list is free, and each Standard quoted above is priced at 2/ post free. Sectional lists are available for every industry, and a complete list of all British Standards, including abstracts, will be found in the B.S.I. Year Book. The Institution also publishes the Standards Review (2/-) which reviews all new standards as they are issued. The Mobile and Small Kinema Association, Queen's House, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2. This is a trade association for professional 16-mm. exhibitors, and is actively concerned with the safeguarding of their interests. Full details of membership, etc., will be gladly sent to all who make application to the Secretary. PRACTICAL DEFINITIONS ABERRATION, Chromatic: In a lens, the breaking up of pure light into its component colours. ABERRATION, Spherical: A defect in the image formed by a lens or mirror with spherical surfaces, the image being, in most cases, only an approximation to the ideal figure for the surfaces. A.C.: An abbreviation for Alternating Current. The electricity flows first in one direction in a circuit, and then in the other, each complete alternation being known as a cycle, and occurring, usually, at the rate of 50 per second. ACOUSTICS: The study or science of sound. The acoustic property of a material is the amount of sound it absorbs or reflects. Acoustic waves are merely waves of sound, which normally travel at the rate of between 1,090' and 1,100' per second in air. ALTERNATOR: The generator which produces alternating current. AMMETER: An abbreviation of Ampere Meter, used for measuring electric current in amperes. AMPERE HOUR: The use of one ampere for one hour. Amperage is the rate of flow, and denotes the amount of electricity which may pass a given point each second. One ampere hour equals 3,600 coulombs. AMPLIFIER: An apparatus used to increase sound volume in an electrical soundsystem. AMPLIFICATION FACTOR: The "M" value of a thermionic valve. This denotes the maximum voltage amplification that a valve can produce. ANODE: The plate of a thermionic valve. (See Kathode.) ANODE TERMINAL: This is the positive end or part of any electrical device or apparatus. The cathode is the negative or opposite part. APERTURE: The opening in the projector aperture plate through which the film receives the light for projection. ARMATURE: This is (usually) the rotating part of an electrical motor, and in which the electrical energy is generated or transmitted as a controlled force. AXIS, OPTICAL: The exact centre line passing through a beam of light or one or more lenses of an optical system. 175