Cinelandia (January 1932)

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12 PIANOS KIMBALL De fama universal Por 74 años los pianos Kimball han proporcionado contento a Y millón de clientes. Ahorrá Ud. dinero haciendo su pedido directamente a la fábrica Se conceden favorables descuentos y cómodas Hermoso catálogo y condiciones de pago a plazos. particulares a solicitud. C. O. BAPTISTA Distribuidor para el Extranjero 312 KIMBALL HALL, CHICAGO, E. U. DE A. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, Of Cinelandia, published monthly at Los Angeles, California, for October 1st, 1931. State of California, County of Los Angeles, ss. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Vernon Johnston, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Editor and Business Manager of Cinelandia, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and, if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesiad publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in secion 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse side of this form, to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business manager, are: Publisher, Spanish American Publishing Co., 1031 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.; Editor, Vernon Johnston, 1031 Se. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.; Managing Editor, Juan J. Moreno, 1031 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.; Business Manager, Vernon Johnston, 1031 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. 2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each individual member, must be given.) (A Corp.) Spanish American Publishing Company, 1031 South Broadway, Los Angeles. James Irvine, Jr., Tustin, Orange County, California, William McCoy, 107 So. Kenmore St., Los Angeles, Calif.; James Irvine, Jr., Tustin, Orange County, Calif., Trustee for Athalie Irvine, Tustin, Orange County, Calif. ; Randall J. Hood, Bank of Italy Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. ; Vernon Johnston, 1031 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.; Joshua B. Powers, 250 Park Ave., New York. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security* holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company, but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and condition under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is: (This information is required from daily publica tions only.) VERNON JOHNSTON, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of September, 1931. (Seal) EDITH M. CONKLIN, Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California. (My commission expires April 12, 1933.) LO QUE HACEN ... (viene de la página 10) HAINES, WILLIAM—su último film es New Adventures of Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif, HAMILTON, NEIL—su último film es The Sin of Madelón Claudett—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. a HARDING, ANN—filma Prestige—Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. HARLOW, JEAN—filma Blonde Baby—Columbia Pictures Studio, 1438 Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. HAYES, HELEN—filma Arrowsmith— United Artists Studios, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. HERSHOLT, JEAN—filma Private Lives—MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. HOLMES, PHILLIPS—filma The Man I Killed —Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Ho llywood, Calif. HOLT, JACK=su último film es A Dangerous Affair—Columbia Pictures Studios, 1438 -Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. HOPKINS, MIRIAM—filma Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood, Calif. HUSTON, WALTER—filma Saint and Sinner— Universal Studios, Universal City, Calif. HYAMS, LEILA—filma Surrender—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. HOBART, ROSE—filma Gallows—Universal Studios, Universal City, Calif. + * * KEATON, BUSTER—su último film es Sidewalks of New York—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. KIRKWOOD, JAMES—su último film es Over the Hill—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. * * + LANDI, ELISSA—su último film es The Yellow Ticket—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. LEBEDEFF, IVAN—su último film es The Gay Diplomat—Radio Pictures Studios, 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. LIGHTNER, WINNIE—filma She Means Business—Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank. Calif. LOMBARD, CAROLE—filma No One Man— Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood, Calif. LOWE, EDMUND=—su último film es The Cisco Kid—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. LOY, MYRNA—filma Arrowsmith—United Artists Studios, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. LUKAS, PAUL—su último film es The Beloved Bachelor—Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hollywood, Calif. LYON, BEN—filma Her Majesty, National Studios, Burbank, Calif. * * + MANNERS, DAVID—filma The Greeks Had A Word For It—United Artists Studios, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. MARCH, FREDERIC—filma Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—Paramount Studios, 6th and Pierce Sts., Astoria, L. 1. MARSH, MAE=su último film es Over the Hill —Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. MARSH, MARIAN—filma Under Eighteen—Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank, Calif. McLAGLEN, VICTOR—filma Disorderly Conduct—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. MACKAILL, DOROTHY—filma Safe in Hel— Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank, Calif, MEIGHAN, THOMAS—su último film es Skyline—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Calif. MENJOU, ADOLPHE—su último film es Friends and Lovers—Radio Pictures Studios, 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. MERCER, BERY L—su último film es Are These Our Children?—Radio Pictures Studio, 780 Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. MERKEL, UNA — filma Private Lives — MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. MILLER, MARILYN—filma Her Majesty, Love —First National Studios, Burbank, Calif. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT—filma A Family Affair — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. e MORAN, LOIS—filma The Men In Her Life— ds Studios, 1438 Gower St., Hollywood, alif. MORRIS, CHESTER—filma Cock o the Air— United Artists Studios, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Love—First MUNI, ; PAUL—+*filma Scarface—United Artists OA 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, alif. : NAGEL, CONRAD—su último film es Hell Dj. vers—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif. NEGRI, POLA—filma A Woman Commands Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. NISSEN, GRETA—filma Good Sport—Fox Sty dios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywood, Cali NOVARRO, RAMON—filma Mata Hari—Metr. Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, culver City, Calif, * * +* O'BRIEN, GEORGE—*filma The Rainbow Trail Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Holly wood, Calif. O'DAY, MOLLY—su último film es Sob Sister= Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Holly. wood, Calif. OLAND, WARNER—filma Shanghai Express Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Holly. wood, Calit. O'NEIL, SALLY—su último film es The BratFox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Holly. wood, Calif. * * PAGE, ANITA—filma Under Eighteen—Warne Bros. Studios, Burbank, Calif. PETERSON, DOROTHY-—*filma She Wanted A Millionaire—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Wester Ave., Hollywood, Calif. y | | o | / o | ' o : $ Í Ñ PICKFORD, MARY—su último film fué Kiki-. Pickford Studios, Hollywood, Calif. POWELL, WILLIAM—filma The Gentleman From San Francisco—Warner Bros. Studio, Burbank, Calif. E PREVOST, MARIE—su último film es Reckles Living—Universal Studios, Universal City Calif. * * * QUILLAN, EDDIE—su último film es The Tip Oh-—Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. RAMBEAU, MARJORIE—filma Stepping Sis te.s—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., flo liywood, Calif. RATHBONE, BASIL—filma A Woman Com mands—Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. RICH, IRENE—filma The Champ—Metro-Goli wyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calit. ROBINSON, EDWARD G.—filma The Honor ble Mr. Wong—First National Studios, Bur bank, Calif. ROGERS, CHARLES (BUDDY)—filma Work Ñ / ing Girls—Paramount Studios, 5451 Maratho St., Hollywood, Calif. ROGERS, WILL—su último film es Ambassado Bil—Fox Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave, Hollywood, Calif. * * SHANNON, PEGGY-—su último film es Touch down—Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St, Hollywood, Calif. SHEARER, NORMA—filma Private Lives—Me * tro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Cali SHERMAN, LOWELL—filma The Greeks Had) Word For It—United Artists Studios, 10 N. Formosa Ave., Hollywood, Calif. | SIDNEY, SYLVIA—filma Ladies of the Bi House—Paramount Studios, 5451 Maratho St., Hollywood, Calif. STONE, LEWIS—=su último film es The Sin d Madelón Claudett—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer St dios, Culver City, Calif. SWANSON, GLORIA—filma Tonight Or New —United Artists Studios, 1041 N. Formo Ave., Hollywood, cali. : TASHMAN, LILYAN=su último film es Gi About Town—Paramount Studios, 5451 Mar thon St., Hollywood, Calif. TIBBETT, LAWRENCE—su último film es Th Cuban Love Song—Metro-Goldwyn-Maj Studios, Culver City, Calif. TOOMEY, REGIS—filma Under Eighteen—W ner Bros. Studios, Burbank, Calif. TORRENCE, ERNEST—su último film es Th Cuban Love Song—Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Str dios, Culver City, Calif. , TRACY, SPENCER—filma Sky Devils — Cadí Productions, 1041 N. Formosa Ave., Hol wood, Calif. TWELVETREES, HELEN — filma The Seco Shot—Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. *k * + VELEZ, LUPE=su último film es The Cul Love Song — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studid Culver City, Calif. WARNER, H. B.—filma A Woman Command Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. WATKINS, LINDA — filma Good Sport — Y Studios, 1401 N. Western Ave., Hollywo0 Calif. : WILSON, LOIS—filma Saint and Sinner—Ú! versal Studios, Universal City, Calif. WONG, ANNA MAY—filma Shanghai Expres” Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon St., Hol! wood, Calif. WRAY, JOHN—filma 1 Spy—First dios, Burbank, Calif. + * + YOUNG, LORETTA—filma Taxi—First Natiol Studios, Burbank, Calif. " YOUNG, ROLAND—*filma A Woman Commál —Pathé Studios, Culver City, Calif. National $