The cinema : 1952 (1952)

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FROM THE WORLD'S STUDIOS 213 HUNGARY Liberated Soil, with Adam Szirtes Directed by Frigyes Ban. A story concerning the reaction of the Hungarian peasantry to the events and opportunities following the end of the war. The film is the second part of a trilogy which began with The Soil Under Tour Feet (see The Cinema ig50) made by the same director. A Strange Marriage -Directed by Marton Keleti. A period drama in colour, strongly, if crudely, attacking the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary. INDIA Bed ardi, with Geeta Bali andJVimmi Directed by S. Kidar. A dramatic story set in modern India. Jog an, with Nargis and Raj Kopoor Directed by S. Kidar. A contemporary story of an Indian girl who renounces the world because of a broken love affair. Murliwala, with Sashi Kapoor and Durga Khote Directed by Vasant Painter. A mythological drama about the boyhood of Krishna. ISRAEL p Moledeth, with Jamie Schmitt and John Slater Directed by Josef Leytes. The first feature film to be made entirely in Israel concerns the rehabilitation of refugee children arriving from European D.P. camps. ITALY Abbiamo Vinto (We've Won) Directed by R. A. Stemmle.