Cinema Progress (1935 - 1937)

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HOW TO WRITE AND SELL FILM STORIES by Frances Marion A valuable and indispensable guide for the beginner, as well as the advanced professional, by one of the screen's outstanding writers. The book contains practical information, based on the author's 20 years' experience. Included are chapters on characterization, plot, motivation, dialogue, the method of selling stories. There is also a chapter on technical matters of concern to the screen writer such as connections and breaks, cuts, flashes, fades, dissolves, camera distances, and angles. Common errors in the scripts of novices, sources of material are pointed out and story ideas analyzed. This is a manual which no screen writer, experienced or novice, successful or hopeful, can afford to do without. It tells everything there is to tell about writing for the movies. PRICE, $3.50 at your bookseller s or, COVICI FRIEDE, Publishers New York