Cinematographic annual : 1931 (1931)

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ELEMENTS OF LIGHTING 325 Special lightings, of types ordinarily entirely unsuitable for general work, can often be used very advantageously to secure special dramatic effects. One of these is shown in Figure 13, where a single spotlight was used to secure the effect of an ordinary electric hand-torch, as is often required in mystery stories. Figures 14 and 15 show another effect-lighting, Figure 14 having been made with a flooded spot for back-light, and a diffused and distant front-light. Figure 15 is identical, except that the front-light is extinguished, leaving only the spectacular effect shown. Aside from these special effects, however, the chief end and aim of all lighting should be absolute naturalness. Photography which calls Fi<;. 1 2. Properly balanced front lights and spot back-light. 50O OO-'.Vatt Lamp A V (clear) Vj\ 400-Watt Spotlight (Pulled down) 50O-Wntt LaraD (TMffusftd)'