Cinematographic annual : 1931 (1931)

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328 CINEMATOGRAPHIC ANNUAL tography in the world is the school of experience, and, next to that, his neighborhood theatre. There he can study the lighting, filtering, and general camera technique of the greatest cinematographers of the world. Then, knowing the basic principles of cinematography and lighting, he can go to his own studio — his home — and adapt the lessons learned from his professional fellows to his own needs, and, if he has learned his lessons well, constantly produce better pictures for his own enjoyment. Fig. 15. An elaboration of Fig. 14; no front light used. Spotlight Camera (Footnote — The lightings used in the illustrations have been somewhat exaggerated in order to make the methods used more easily understood. In practice the reader should strive for softer and less obvious effects, as lighting must always be merely a means to an end — never an end in itself.)