Cinema Year Book of Japan 1938 (1938)

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activities: 1. To negotiate with the governmental authorities regarding government control of the motion picture business, government censorship and other related questions. 2. To negotiate for changes in, or abolition or reduction of, show tax, admission tax and other taxes related to the motion picture business. 3. To take up all matters which have to do with activities aiming at the development of motion pictures produced in Japan. 4. To take up matters relative to films made in Japan which aim at their qualitative perfection as well as their wider use. 5. To take up matters relative to investigations of various nature and to compilation of statistics required by the motion picture industry. 6. To take up matters relative to registration of various agreements made by its members. 7. To take up also all other matters necessary for carrying out the objects of the Association. Honorary President: Einosuke Yokota Permanent Director: Masao Kuwano Permanent Director of the Kansai Branch: Ilcka Nakanishi ZAIDAN HOJIN DAI NIPPON EIGA KYOKAI (The Japan Motion Picture Foundation ) Address: Toyo Takushoku Building, Uchiyamashita-Cho, Koji machi-Ku, Tokyo Founded: November 8, 1935 Objects and Activities: To improve and develop the motion picture industry; to contribute to the maintenance and elevation of public morality, considering the powerful influence of motion pictures as the most popular amusement. The Foundation publishes its organ “Nippon Eiga ” (The Japan Motion Picture) monthly. President: Tatsuo Yamamoto Advisory Board: Nobumasa Suetsugu, Koichi Kido, Fumio Goto, Takejiro Otani, Einosuke Yokota Permanent Directors: Toshiki Karasawa, Genki Abe, Shigevuki Tanaka, Kokyu lkenaga, Taiji Uemura, Shiru Kido NIPPON NEWS JISSHA EIGA REMMEI (The Japan Pictorial News League) Address: Matsuda Ruilding, No. 2, Ginza Nishi-5-Chome, Kyobashi-Ku, Tokyo Founded: May 1, 1934 Objects and Activities: 1. The League aims to improve and develop the making of motion picture recordings and news pictures, to promote friendly relations among its member groups and to introduce in Japan as well as abroad accurate knowledge of conditions in Japan by means of filming and screening of motion picture recordings of such conditions. 2. Its member groups shall be given by the League, as far as circumstances allow, both convenience and assistance in the filming and screening of their pictures. Honorary President: Tatsuo Kawai, Chief of the Information Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs Honorary Advisory Board: Shinji Matsui (The War Office), Jun Tsuchiya (The Dept, of Foreign Affairs) NIPPON NEWS CAMERAMAN KYOKAI (The Japan News Cameramen's Association) Address: Taikaku Building, No. 3, Ginza Nishi-5-Chome, Kyobashi-Ku, Tokyo Founded: March, 1936 Objects and Activities: Development of News Pictures Advisory Board: Yasuo Ito, Shigehiro Iwaolca, Shin’ichi Ota NIPPON EIGA KANTOKU KYOKAI (The Japan Motion Picture Directors' Association) Address: Hideyoshi Building, No. 5, Ginza Nishi-5-Chome, Kyobashi-Ku, Tokyo Branch: Kansai Renrakubu of Nippon Eiga Kantoku Kyokai, c/o Inagaki, 9 Narutaki Fujinoki-Machi, Ukyo-Ku, Kyoto Founded: March 1936 Objects and Activities: The Association aims to contribute to Japanese cultural life by elevating the moral standard of. and bringing greater purity to, Motion Picture Art in Japan. It carries on the following activities: 1. Research in the technique of the motion picture. 2. Training of motion picture directory. 3. Research and investigation into the motion picture industry. 4. Research and investigation into laws and regulations governing the motion picture. 5. Cooperation with various technicians in the motion picture industry. 6. Publication of an organ for the expression of the theories and opinions held by the members. 7. Establishment of an agency for international cooperation in matters relating to the motion picture. 8. Establishment of a means for keeping in touch with the cultural life of the people. Directors: Minoru Ishiyama, Kajiro Yamamoto, Tomu Uchida. Hiroshi Inagaki. Secretaries: Yasujiro Shimazu. Teinosuke Kinugasa NIPPON EIGA GtJUTSU KYOKAI (The Nippon Society of Cine Technics) Address: Taikaku Building, No. 3. Ginza Nishi-5-Chome, Kyo bashi-Ku, Tokyo Founded: December 1, 1934 Objects and Activities: The Society aims to promote the development and elevate the standard of motion picture technique in Japan by encouraging among its members intimate contact and concerted efforts to the end of effecting thoroughgoing research and investigations. It carries on the following activities: 1. Publication of the monthly organ, “ Eiga to Gijutsu ” (The Cine Technic). 2. Conducting of study groups, lectures, study courses, and inspection trips. 3. Offering of rewards to producers of meritorious motion pictures and to meritorious technicians. 4. Holding of contests in production of amateur motion pictures. 5. Publication of literature on the technique of motion picture. 6. Introducing and investigating various information. Advisory Board: Teru Ariga, Taiji Uemura, Shinnosuke Fukushima, Toshizo Araki, Rin Masutani, Shiro Kido, Osamu Rokusha, Kan’ichi Negishi. NIPPON EIGA SAKKA KYOKAI (The Japan Scenario Writers' Association) Address: (East) Hideyoshi Building, No. 5, Ginza Nishi-5-Chorne, Kyobashi-Ku, Tokyo. (West) 28, Uzumasa HachigaokaMachi, Ukyo-Ku, Kyoto Founded: June, 1937 Objects and Activities: The Association aims to elevate the level of cinematographic art in Japan ; to promote fellowship and benefit among its members ; to conduct general activities in motion picture industry for those purposes. Director of Kanto (East) Branch: Yoshiro Aramaki (Niklcatsu) MOTION PICTURE ENTERPRISES OF GOVERNMENTAL AND ASSOCIATED BODIES THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS The Bureau of Public Order : Objects and Activities: Censoring and licensing of films for public showing and enforcing of laws governing the motion picture. The Bureau of Hygiene : Objects and Activities : Making of motion pictures for dissemination of ideas on health and sanitation. THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE The Bureau of Monopoly : Objects and Activities : Making and showing of motion pictures for giving publicity to the work of the Bureau. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Bur au of Social Education : Objects: Giving social edu 69