Cinema News and Property Gazette (1913)

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|\M.-K\ IS 1913. .•5, Clerkenweli Road Supplement to THE CINEMA. THOMAS A. EDISON, LTD., 1 'hone I l"ll» •: CATnamart d Ldisou-. •■ a SUFFR \'.i 1 Ti in SPI1 1 ' >1 HIMSE1 I I . .urn in A Gentleman < >ippo* d to Wi iman's Suffrage M .1 1 mott His Wife Miriam Neebitl Hi, Maid Ethel Browning This is a comedy built around a subject which is at pr tlir discussion of the day in this country. How a thoroughly table British household.!, bitterly opposed to woman's suffrage, becomes apparently a violent advocate of the cause, the difficulties this gets him into, finally leading to his arrest, his forcible rescue by a band of suffragettes, who believe him their champion, his final arrival home in a torn and dilapidated condition before his astonished wife, and, above all, how the fatal " votes for women " confronts him at the end — all these make the fun fast and furious. It can well be imagined that in such capable hands the leading parts leave nothing to be desired. The picture is entirely played in London, and the appropriate street backgrounds (including Trafalgar Square) add greatly to its value as a topical subject. "BOBBY'S DREAM." (Edison.) Featuring : Bobby Yale Boss His Mother Louise Sydmeth The Pirate Chief Wadsworth Harris Bobby and his folk are at the seaside, and to be in the right f atmosphere Bobby is at present partial to literature of the briny deep. He finishes a delightful yarn of the sea, according to his taste, and lies down on the sands to think it over. He falls asleep soon after, and in his dreams he is with the characters of his finished book — pirates fierce and bold, be whdskered and aimed to th< teeth with pistols and • utlasscs. Tlhey seem to n-< out of the si a, da b u 1 th b ■ h, and kidnap his family, but, by dint od strategy on Bobb; part, he manages to make his escape h m bh motley crew, Soon we see him a me alone Ln a boat, rowing and looking for the black ship flying tin pirate flag He si^ht-, it, and be • limbs over ide oi th, bale od th< low black hull be sees his mother, sisiir, ami little brother all huddled in fear, and Che crew asleep with bu1 one man on guard. By a euperfaumai effort he Miat' bes bh th ., and then throws him overboard. All is done so quietly that none of the others are awakened. When the captain and crewawake, they give chase, only to be foiled by Bobby as they try to capture him on the beach. With a trusty revolver in each hand, he soon has them tumbling one after another on rhe sand, and then, in a last desperate conflict — lie wakes up : "A ROMANCE OF Till'. RAILS." (Edison.) Featuring : The Railway Superintendent Harry Ey tinge Frank Denning, his assistant George Lessey Barton, the squatter William West Alice, the squatter's niece Bessie Learn Old Silas Barton has lived for thirty years in a cottage ownexl by the Central and Southern Railway. Having had no use for the property, the company had paid no attention to it, but when a new spur is contemplated, Barton is ordered to vacate. He refuses, and the legal department of the railway threatens to forcibly eject him. The location being near one of the div:sion headquarters, Frank Denning, assistant to the superintendent, is sent as the company's representative. He meets Barton's niece, who keeps house for the old mao.. She is young