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Cinema News and Property Gazette (1913)

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ANUARY I ">• K/13. Supplement to THE ( INEM \. 67 [uarters of th« commanding General at the front, two men — one of theni apparently blind— get into his compartment. By chance Miss Valfontaine journeys in th> next compartment. When the train enters a tunnel] the two men suddenly throw themselves on the courier, and make him powerless. His ta are rifled and his valise taken, and then, m a desperate struggle, he is thrown out into the tunnel. The iiiiim-, le >unds of scuffling, looks through the small <>val in the intervening woodwork, and sees the struggle played thi ugh One of the men obeexvee her staring eyes, and she ba nine to open hci door and go out on the footboards being shot. The igenta jump from the train before it slows down at Lite (ii-t station, and nuike their escape, The : afterwards taken I 1 Miiinaster, and slu tell whereupon a search party is hastily organised to find the unfortunate courier. Careful attention restores him to consciousness, and when he discovers that his val ilen he confides to the nurse the contents of the dispal h meanwhile have informed themselves that a goods train con _• urgently needed war supplies is due to pass in a short doubts, be return bonw without war. cms to discover something fresh Everything is calm and orderly. A few later Suzanne i "om ,t brother, who b 1 ■ and bei before he f The Marquis chances to see this letter, and as il is readilj open 1 nuaconstructio believ< rst especially when Suzanm o keep the matt< A mad idea lor revenge enters Hugh 1 mind, and he fixes a slow-burning fusee to the head wlnn Suzanne drivei to keep the appointjently thi be horse to bolt, and, drage i„K ,, ion with it, the carriage is soon rocking behind The Marquis returns to the library and tries to stifle his climax come, when Suzanne's brother presents it at the mansion and asks to see her, explaining that he had made an appointmi Hugh Willoughby realises the enormity of his sin, and gallops along the road taken by Suzanne. He ultimately comes tht shattered carriage by the roadside, but Providence time, and they determine to wreck it. They proceed to a shunting box further down the line, and surprise the signalman, afterwards reversing the levers. The signalman contrives to telephone to the station where the courier lies injured, and informs the stationmastcr that the supplies train will be wrecked if help does not come immediately. The nurse, knowing what vital issues are at stake, hurriedly enlists the help of some soldiers, and a fast motor-car is obtained. An exciting struggle of speed then ensues between the now near convoy and the automobile. The latter just manages to reach the signal-box first, and whilst the soldiers overpower the secret agents, the released signalman pulls back the levers. An instant later the express thunders past, and a thrilling film ends with the brave little nurse attending to the injuries of both friend and foe. 'A TERRIBLE MISTAKE." (Gaumont.) Hugh and Suzanne Willoughbv are passing a very happy time in their new home overlooking the Cevennes. The young Marquis is called to Paris on business, and to occupy an idle hour goes into a picture show. There he sees a film which causes him great uneasiness, for a lady — the very image of his wife — walks inadvertently i:ito the range of the camera arm-inarm with a gentleman. A circumstance which strikes Willoughby as peculiar is that the lady hurriedly hides her face when she discovers she is "snapped." He buys the film and examines it closely. The photo is of Suzanne. Harassed with apparently has permitted Suzanne to escape with a few minor injuries in order that her husband may be taught a sound UNIFORMS. Uniforms from 13 each. The Best and Cheapest House in the Trade. Send for Fintst Coloured List ever yet published. THE UNIFORM CLOTHING & EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 5, Clerkenwell Green, London, E.C. FEATURE FILMS. The Cheapest House in the Trade. CROSS'S PICTURES, LTD., I & 2, RUPERT COURT, LONDON, W. Phone: 9844 Gerrard.